List of bad techs or radio stores

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by stacks, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. stacks

    stacks Road Train Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Emerald Isle
    Is there any site or Facebook group where someone could check a rating from previous customers , shops I’ve dealt with in the past 15 years Walcott radio , Bobs CB , copper Electronics, palco Electronics , I’ve recently seen a small tech not sure if he has a store or works from home He seems to do Honest work SLC radio and Cable I’m a return customer at Walcott never had any issues and Bobs I dealt with on 2 Occasions, Copper just the once .
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  3. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    About the only site I know of would be The Truckers Report forum. There's a thread that I believe is called the CB Shops Blacklist, or something like that. The bottom line that I took away from that thread was, it's okay to buy a radio from any cb shop, just don't let the tech open the covers, and you'll be golden.

    PS... okay, I'm just messing with you. I personally haven't seen any website with product reviews for cb radio, at least none that has a rating available. I suppose the best site to have such a thing to offer that, would have been the CB Tricks website. Maybe someone will come along with more info about it. Good question though.
  4. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    It is all subjective, one tech or shop is great to one person and another person it sucks and they are thiefs.
  5. Night Stalker10

    Night Stalker10 Road Train Member

    Jun 26, 2017
    I agree. Even on the ham radio product reviews, it always frustrates me when I see someone give a product a bad review just because it didn't have a certain feature that someone thought it should have. To me that has nothing to do whether the product works as it should or not. It's just nit picking a product and giving a false review. I could only imagine the reviews on cb radios... such as I hate roger beeps, and yet they bought the radio knowing it had that feature, but gave it a 2 star instead of 5. Hard to imagine what the reviews would be like for cb shop techs. If they would be honest reviews about a cb shop and their service, it would be a fantastic website to help others.
  6. 2Tap

    2Tap Medium Load Member

    Jul 19, 2022
    Southern Wisconsin
    These guys were the only game in town: Store Ratings & Reviews | | Find Trusted Stores

    A community is only as good as real people commenting on real experiences.
    They did a superb job blocking whole domains and/or entities that attempted review bombing good/bad.
    Admittedly I haven't used it in years.

    Imma call BS on them now though. Just searched Newegg which use to be a spectacular company before the Chinese bought them, They fell hard on RR'ings and now i see they are a golden child once again. (USA) Consumer Verified Ratings & Reviews

    There is always Reddit? Start your google search with just reddit and you can typically find an enthusiast sub with great advice.

    Good Luck!
    stacks Thanks this.
  7. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    If you are on Facebook, there are several CB pages that you can glean information from; and learn who knows what they're are talking about and who doesn't. Then kind of figure out who you might trust. Kind of like here, after a while you figure out who to listen to and who not to.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
  8. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    I wonder if that one guy from the Orogrande is on that list.o_O
  9. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I agree, hams are the worst. Very biased for the most part and with a lot of personal opinions that have nothing to do with the product. This has been going on for as long as I've been involved with radio, 58 years.

    It is just like hams and their driving, many of them once they get their ticket, lose all semblance of common sense and can't drive anymore. I had one today on the freeway, he could not make up his mind which lane and it was obvious he was messing with the radio, four antennas, and call license plate, no mistaking the guy is a ham.
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