LM EXPRESS PLUS LLC - the owner is a scammer

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by becareful2436, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. Fredflinstoneswig

    Fredflinstoneswig Bobtail Member

    Oct 3, 2024
    A while back a truck driver went Tony Montana. On the Russian/Serbian type company owner and his family who stole from him. In all honesty I always felt bad for the driver. And the news would not say the reason the truck driver did it. Unless you did a deep search. I would buy that truck driver a keg of beer. Good man who got tired of being abused just trying to feed his family.
    It takes the lowest kind of worm to say it nicely. A real human turd to rip off a man trying to feed his family. If I ever grow where I am very wealthy I will help these kinds of people. I will even deposit money for their commissary. Let's VOTE OUT our Mayors and Governors who don't fight corruption or don't protect the little guy who gets stomped. These type of politicians sit with their fat bloated belly enjoying the food and chairs they sit on delivered by a trucker. And can't even provide parking areas for a tired sleepy trucker. Instead they ticket the truck driver for trying to squeeze into the smallest safest spot they can find.
    Screenshot_20241127-084042_Samsung Internet.jpg Screenshot_20241127-084126_Samsung Internet.jpg
    hope not dumb twucker Thanks this.
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  3. tefdispatch

    tefdispatch Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2024
    I'm very happy this thread was created to bring awareness to these type of shady trucking companies. After running across this thread I feel it is my duty to share my previous experience with LM express. After starting there as a owner operator back in May I eventually started helping with other task as leadership in the company was non existent! There was no one who could get a hold of accounting and the safety role was in the air for some time. After communicating with the owner numerous times about safety, insurance among a number of other things and receiving nothing but excuse after excuse I began to realize the company was headed in the wrong direction and fast! Rumors started popping up of drivers getting shorted on there pay or not getting paid at all was nothing more than lies until it happened to me, The same stories and rumors that I heard before but dismissed was now happening to me, after demanding that the owner pay me immediately for the previous two weeks work and not receiving a penny I decided that my job at lm was done. All drivers I leave this review to forewarn you to do your due diligence on any and all companies before you decide to sign your truck on board. Dont become a unpaid victim like many others.
    becareful2436 Thanks this.
  4. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    The amount of sock accounts is making you look insane at this point.
    Stringb8n Thanks this.
  5. becareful2436

    becareful2436 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
    You seem you cannot grasp the concept of how dangerous it is to deal with scammers. Are you aware that drivers and employees could be left homeless because of these scammers? I have seen someone added another review saying this company stole over $5000 from his/her check. If you think these are not real reviews, go ahead and try it yourself so you can see how true this is. People are trying to warn all truckers and here you go with your nonsense. Whoever has similar experience should inform all other truckers. If everyone did that, we'd all be very much informed about such companies so they can actually be stopped from destroying someone's well-being. Noone needs this at this point. Just be fair and honest to truckers.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2024
  6. becareful2436

    becareful2436 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
    It's very sad for the drivers who do this. The way it usually works is they get no payment, family issues pop up because of having no finances, they lose their family and unfortunately that is the end for some of them. At that point they are just abandoned. Let's just take out of business all those scammers so we can protect ourselves.
  7. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    You should see a doctor.
  8. becareful2436

    becareful2436 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
    Ignorant people like you are the reason all this #### happens. Just disappear please. What a sick idiot you are.
  9. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    Actually, YOU are the reason these things happen. You're nothing but a glorified company driver who can't get a real job. Use the ignore feature if you can't handle what I have to say.
    Stringb8n Thanks this.
  10. becareful2436

    becareful2436 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2024
  11. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    The plot thickens.....
    TB John Thanks this.
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