Location, Location, Location !!!

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by munrkr, Dec 17, 2006.

  1. munrkr

    munrkr Medium Load Member

    Dec 14, 2006
    I live in a Manistee, MI, a small town almost directly across the pond from Green Bay, WI. (ic they beat the lions again). I'm in the early info-gathering stages of all things trucking and am wondering: What, if any, role does the size and location of my hometown play in finding a job with a national or regional carrier after i get my license? Also, Could anyone explain how hometime works in terms of getting to the pick-up from home, and back here from drop off when empty. There must be alot of variables, but just some general discussion would be great help. And THANKS for all yer comments.

    Also, while I,m here. I had one relatively minor at-fault accident in company bus in April'04 (not cited, no injuries) and three more fenderbenders (O.P.'s fault) within the past five years. No tickets of any sort in the past 15 yrs., and no criminal activity. I know Schneider won't hire me as their policy is no at-faults within the past 5 yrs. What about others i wonder?
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  3. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    none whatsover, as long as you can park the rig someplace. but, some companies do not have travel lanes in your area, so you wouldn't be hired, since its out of their way to send you home. you would need to ask the companies (your school can help you here) if they have travel lanes going through your area. just because a trucking company may show up at your school for recruitment seminars, doesn't guarantee you they will get you home more often.

    hometime can usually work like, you have a load to deliver on a monday not too far from your house. so, you get to stop by maybe for a day if you're lucky. then be out to drive to the delivery point, or pick-up point..............

    but a "weekend" or a "day off" at home can be ANY DAY of the week. monday, tuesday, wednesday.........got it........??

    yes, a lot of variables.............
  4. munrkr

    munrkr Medium Load Member

    Dec 14, 2006
    Good to hear from you Prodrvr. I just edited, so beg to hear your thoughts again. sorry/thanks
  5. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    a "national carrier" would generally go all over the place, so home time shouldn't be too much of a problem.

    a "regional carrier" is "usually" a company with-in your area, so again home time should take place.

    there are carriers that have specialized hauls, and if you look at any of their ads in trucking magazines, they are specific in the hiring area they run, so to apply to them would be quite useless if they do not run anywhere's near your area, in fact, they wouldn't even get past your address once they know where your from.

    so in school, make sure you are in "the hiring area" of any company that goes to your school for recruitment day........just ask them. they sometimes do hire recruits (new drivers), but that's primarily if you're going to move nearer to them..............
  6. munrkr

    munrkr Medium Load Member

    Dec 14, 2006
    Moving not an option at this point, as much as i personally might like to. Born and raised in Milwaukee and sometimes homesick, especially where employment is concerned.
  7. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    well then..............as a truck driver being away from home 1-4 weeks at a time...............or more, you ain't going to last.............you won't be able to handle the hardships on the road, and being away from home.

    best bet is to get a class B driving job, work all day (or night) be home every day.

    better think about this career in driving more seriously........
  8. munrkr

    munrkr Medium Load Member

    Dec 14, 2006
    Poor choice o' words. I was talking about workwise ie; little opportunity here. I used to guard the coast for a living. Away from home alot, some shipboard. I can handle being away from home. What say you about the history?
  9. Cynical Driver

    Cynical Driver <strong>"Eternal Cynic"</strong>

    Aug 27, 2006
    check your thread about the driving record, that will give you the answer you seek to the question of driving history.

    Though a place like Werner might pick you up... if you really want to do that to yourself.

    Why is moving not an option? TONS of opportunity driving in Milw/Chi areas...
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