Lonestar Transportation drivers.. Check in!

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by QBall3577, May 18, 2013.

  1. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    I decided to start our own thread separate from American-Truckers since hes not with the company anymore. So, where ya at?

    After delivering my copper plates in Denton, TX from a mine in Marana, AZ I headed to the Fort Worth yard to pick up a fluid cylindar and taking it to a job site in Stevens Point, WI for an 8a unload. I'm sitting at the T/A in Strattford, MO resetting and will finish up tomorrow.


    After i'll probably end up with a load from Milwaukee WI after headed to Houston, then home after that... loaded or not is yet to be decided. They've deadheaded me home before from Houston, and i've hauled drill pipe north for a TCall in FW.. so who knows.
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
    Rick_C, AZS, seadog443 and 5 others Thank this.
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  3. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    I live in the Bryan College Station area. Questions - 1. How good is LS about getting you home when you want? 2. How long do you normally stay out? I know this varies but just trying to get a feel.
  4. AZS

    AZS Honk if anything falls off

    Sep 30, 2010
    PHX, AZ
    I'm going to tell you straight up man if your number one concern is home time you may want to look elsewhere.
    camels76 and jomar68 Thank this.
  5. Suptrkr

    Suptrkr Light Load Member

    Aug 28, 2012
    Bentonville, AR
    Mystikal, Good job on the new thread. I am a X LST driver and really like to follow you guys as I do miss working with you guys.
    Mystikal Thanks this.
  6. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    ######, my post was lost due to server issues....

    Anyways, in cali offloading at SFO monday, then I gotta pick up in oakland going to battle mountain NV area, then back to Oakland, then back to the same place..lol oh joy
  7. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    Red Pete Lonestar truck was hauling pneumatic blower trailer yesterday. They jumping into that as well?
    dave1984 Thanks this.
  8. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Home time is important to me but it is not number one. I am just want to know if there is any ######## on getting home! Because i have worked for companies before that give you the run around about getting back. Typically i stayed out 3 to 6 weeks. But no i do not want to go somewhere where i ask to go home and i get some ######## about no loads at this time or go here and sit for a day or if i stay out 5 weeks and i want to stay off 5 days, i do not get any ######## about coming back on the road after 2 days home. Not yelling just got the caps on.
  9. Lsv

    Lsv Light Load Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Well I dnt work there yet start orientation on 27th.but since u live in TX. I can't see them not getting u home when u want/need to be. Or dam close to the date. Just my .02
  10. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    College station shouldn't be too hard to get you home. They would probably just deadhead you home from any of the numerous amounts of crap we haul to houston.

    Pneumatic trailer? Could have been an owner op... heck I dunno. That ones new for me. I saw our local daycab in Fort Worth hooked to a 53' van.. thats rare to see too since we don't have the goodrich account anymore.
  11. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Thanks for the feedback!!!! You guys threads are making me feel more comfortable about coming over. I have been approved for orientation. Shoudl start mid-july. Just need to finish up some stuff with kids. My main reason is i want to get flatbed experience!! I have pulled everything else except fb. Kind of getting burned out haulng crude oil....!!!
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