Looking for team driver in Charlotte NC area $2,040 Guaranteed per week

Discussion in 'Drivers Looking for a Team Driver' started by Roomian53, Nov 15, 2024.

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  1. Roomian53

    Roomian53 Bobtail Member

    Jul 29, 2024
    I am looking for someone within 150 miles of Charlotte, NC area to team drive with me for Boyle Transportation. Boyle pays a guaranteed minimum weekly salary of $2,040 for each driver and has other excellent benefits including $2,500 orientation pay for each driver. Boyle is a smaller company that mainly serves Military and Healthcare organizations. They are an excellent company to work for. See the job reviews on Indeed, Google and Glassdoor. Visit their website at driveboyle.com. One year experience required. Hazmat, tanker endorsements and TWIC required. Passport book or passport card eventually required. If you keep receipts, the company will reimburse you for these expenses at orientation. Security clearance also eventually required, but the company will help you obtain this.

    I am a healthy, older, non-smoking, non-vaping, married male. Mutual respect and courtesy is a must.

    Anyone with experience in the trucking industry will recognize this as a great opportunity. If interested, please call or text Robert at 703 690 6451.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
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