Looking for Teammate. Want to make $$$

Discussion in 'Drivers Looking for a Team Driver' started by Wolfenslade, Jan 6, 2025.

  1. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    Tired of feeling stressed out over 1k a week. Any of you got jobs that pay 2k a week or more, let's team. Wouldn't mind a teammate that'll make me a better trucker, with experience and teaching. There's stuff you experienced guys and gals can teach us that the schools don't. I want to learn.

    Male, 31. Married with kids. Vape, no cigarettes. Neat-freak. Healthy eater. Clean MVR. 4 years experience. Have Automatic restriction. Have Tanker and D/T endorsements. Have TWIC and current Passport. Have flatbed, reefer and dry van experience. Home is El Paso.
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  3. Elk2Bugle

    Elk2Bugle Bobtail Member

    Dec 20, 2024

    Let's talk if you're interested. I have Class A. 21 months experience, Haz Mat. D/T. TWIC.
    Paul- text me- 970-819-5272.
    Look at AAT carriers. A subsidiary of Covenant.
    If we are a good match, I have contact information for the recr
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