Looking to train with a big mill and run hard with them.

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by Wigidwack, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Wigidwack

    Wigidwack Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Removed at member's request
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2017
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  3. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Welcome BEN, customer service will be with you momentarily. Welcome to see the country, and get paid while doing it !! Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. snowbunny

    snowbunny Medium Load Member

    Apr 17, 2008
    Ottawa, ON
    Umm, Mods, how do you post links to other threads that answer similar or same questions...

    Ben, Look through threads in the "questions from new drivers" and you will learn about all the good the bad and the ugly of all the large companies....
  5. Wigidwack

    Wigidwack Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I've been reading, and reading, and reading threads for a long time now. Some of the threads are outdated, while others are contradictory. I understand that large companies are going to have people on both sides of the fence. I also understand that there are companies 1/10th the size of the larger ones that still offer CDL training as well as employment following successful completion. It has proved difficult for me to make a sound judgement, as the more I read about the industry, the companies, the lifestyle, and the pay continue to put me right back at square one: I don't know anything for sure.

    My main goals are as follows:

    • Obtain CDL training with no out-of-pocket expenses (or minimal), with a company sponsoring me either at their school or one of their choosing.
    • Be relieved of any potential debt for training within 12 months.
    • Run as a team with my friend after training.
    • Run at least 5,000 miles weekly, but preferably more.

    If anyone has any suggestions of where these things can be obtained, while working for a decent company, please help. There are a few companies that I'm still researching intensely, including:

    1. Millis Transfer
    2. Roehl Transport
    3. Central Refrigerated
    4. Prime Inc.
    Not one of these four companies has everything I'm looking for, but I know I'll be making sacrifices to get into the industry. All advice/criticism/skepticism/nihilism is welcome. All input is valued.

  6. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007
    First off, they prefer less education.

    Education means you might be able to do the math after about a month.

    Second, I know you said you have been reading the forums and seen a lot of outdated and contradictory information.

    So please tell me how you arrived at 4 of the least desirable companies to drive for...in your list ???

    Just so you are "up to date", the economy still sucks. And most companies will be piping sunshine up your ### if they say you can get waaaay more than 5k miles a week as a "new" team. Although some can..I doubt your choices will.

    What's the other half of your team want???
  7. Admin

    Admin TTR Forum Owner Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 6, 2009
    Ben, if it is at all possible for you to pay for your own CDL training, do it. If you do a company sponsored school, you're still paying for the training, it's just coming out of your paycheck for the next 12 months. That's not so bad, but if you get fired then you have to pay it back to the trucking company, and they'll charge you more for it then it actually cost.

    I know you don't have any reason to think you'll be fired, you're probably a smart guy that believes in clean living and always shows up to everything on-time. But companies can fire you for just about anything, such as being involved in an accident that was 100% the other guy's fault, or for getting a ticket for broken equipment that the company refused to fix. If you've read the forums, you know this is just a small slice of the problems you can encounter. It may not sound legal, but if you can't afford to pay for your school, they know you can't afford to pay for a lawyer.
    luvtheroad, mizdageeragn and 25(2)+2 Thank this.
  8. Wigidwack

    Wigidwack Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I was under the impression all big companies were "least desirable in the industry." I was also under the impression that the better companies require 1 year or more of safe, infraction free OTR experience. It's also up for debate which are the worst of the worst, considering the bigger the company, the more people that would speak up about their problems with them. My list, as of this moment, is comprised of the companies that meet some of the goals I'm after. One major factor is that they offer training in house. So I'll continue doing as much research as I can about them. I've ruled out such companies as: CR England, JB Hunt, Schneider, Swift, and Werner.

    It's extremely difficult to weed through all the slander and anger from drivers on these forums. I'm skeptical, and I understand a lot of drivers have legitimate beef with these companies. I wonder how many of the vocal drivers created their own demise.

    We're pretty much in unison with our wants.
    DirtySideDown Thanks this.
  9. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007

    Both Con-Way Truckload and Watkins & Shepard will hire you and your team mate.

    They're far better than any you listed, in my opinion.

    They both have their drawbacks. You can have your W&S questions answered here (on a W&S thread) will little effort.

    Con-Way Truckload questions? I seriously doubt you can get an honest answer here. But you can try.
  10. Wigidwack

    Wigidwack Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Months ago, this was the route I was researching. Unfortunately, all schools within commute of myself or my buddy are either a) terrible (according to various internet sources) or b) upwards of $5,000 and loans carry an APR of 12%+ from private sources (depending on credit).

    1 year ago, I would have been willing to part with this kind of cash to gain appropriate training, but I spent over 11 months on unemployment, moved from Florida to Ohio, finished my degree, depleted the majority of my savings making sure I stayed current with my vehicles loans, and living out the lease of my rental home. I recently gained mediocre full-time employment making a few bucks more than unemployment was awarding to get my blood moving again. I've made a lot of sacrifices in my lifestyle to minimize my expenditures and live off of meager wages.

    At this point, gambling with the chance that I can continue employment with one of these companies to pay minimal for schooling is worth it. I know some companies may charge a small amount each month for 12 months, or charge nothing and wipe the debt clean after a certain amount of miles or months. The risk of being terminated prior to completion is something to consider very seriously.

    I understand that it's possible to gain schooling through a private company, acquire a loan, and then gain employment with a company that hires fresh meat. I also understand that the risks are great in being terminated just the same from this company and having your DAC report tarnished heavily. At which point, it seems that the outcome would amount to the same in either case. Both would end up leaving you with a loan to pay off for school, a poor DAC report, and undesirable work history. So which is the lesser of two evils?
  11. Wigidwack

    Wigidwack Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    The research continues! I'll read everything I can find on them. I appreciate the feedback.
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