Lost Wallet

Discussion in 'Shippers & Receivers - Good or Bad' started by Rayj00, May 6, 2024.

  1. Rayj00

    Rayj00 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2024
    Son lost his wallet at a Pennsylvania shipper. License, debit card, company fuel card, SS card and $300 cash.
    He was hoping another trucker would find it and return, but no such luck.
    He might of left it on the shippers desk or dropped it somewhere on shippers site. Question: Are most shippers and receiver workers Hispanic? He wonders if one of them found it and kept it. Is humanity getting that bad, not to at least return it without the cash? Needless to say he was devastated when it happened.

    Truckers: Make your wallet a life supporting item!!
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  3. JSanborn103

    JSanborn103 Medium Load Member

    Jan 20, 2021
    What does being hispanic have to do with it?
  4. Rayj00

    Rayj00 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2024
    That was my question, not my sons. Maybe I should have asked if most shippers/receivers hire illegals?
  5. smokey12

    smokey12 Road Train Member

    May 30, 2012
    Slimeballs come in all races,..surely he called down there and asked if anyone found it?
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
  6. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    What does that have to do with your OP?

    Maybe teach your son to be more careful/ responsible. Not to carry cash which isn’t really necessary in today’s electronic world. I personally only carry enough to tip the porters at truck stops.

    Tell him to lose the debit card because it’s a liability and a pure waste of money.

    Perhaps buy junior a wallet with a chain for Christmas.
  7. Rayj00

    Rayj00 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2024
    Yep. He retraced his steps from the truck to the office. Checked all around the trunk, in and out. Check garbage cans. Asked around. My question about Hispanics was because every Hispanic he asked just smiled and said no comprendai.
    smokey12 Thanks this.
  8. Rayj00

    Rayj00 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2024
    Yes, I recommended he get a chain wallet. His answer was "I don't wear jeans!" And how do you get cash if no debit card?
    scottied67 and Lav-25 Thank this.
  9. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Go ask the Mexicans if they have any spare change
    My goodness
    Sons Hero Thanks this.
  10. Concorde

    Concorde Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2016
    West Melbourne Florida
    Credit cards.

    Maybe he’d prefer to have a Fanny Pack :)
    Sons Hero and Opus Thank this.
  11. Lav-25

    Lav-25 Medium Load Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    ....lost wallet , cant find it.
    Now you cancel the old debt card and credit card ( and get new ones) , go get a replacement license which should be the first thing , write off the 300 ( that is a bummer ) and then get a new wallet . ( put in front pocket so its easier to keep track of ).
    As far as the people at shippers and recivers , all types come and go and it ain't there jobs to take care of personal property - i've lost wallets , jackets , tools , etc etc. , and if no one has found it or turned it in , then thats it.
    Bud A. and Flat Earth Trucker Thank this.
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