Making Money With C.r.england.

Discussion in 'CR England' started by skullitor, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Kalista

    Kalista Bobtail Member

    Jun 19, 2008
    Magalia, CA
    You all have been such Blessing!!! Great advice and tips. I have posted before needing advice with our current situation on considering leaving England to go with Central. The deal is... Husband has been working for England for a year now and has given them 22k for the .14 variable mileage payment. That's approx. 3k per month that we are paying taxes on. We have tried to get anyone to just simply tell us where that .14 goes and cannot (for 2 weeks now) get a straight answer. One woman in finance told my husband "So what if Mr. England is making 4 or 5 cents!!! We do not have to give you a cent by cent breakdown of where this .14 goes." It has been very frustrating!!!! Husband is a trainer(with some very dangerous trainees, I might ad) Have heard other companies(Central and others) pay for students, not the trainers. Husband is on a dedicated from Hayward CA to Pennsyvalnia at a little over 6k miles per week. He brings in 1200 per week. He is currently on the fuel cap. Without confusing anybody and besides all of my venting I will say that we have decided to stick with England for the meantime due to the fact that he does get good miles and has had incredible D.M.s AND is still home usually one day a week. The money isn't terrible by any means. We are switching, as a last resort, to the fuel rebate since that seems to be reccomended on this site. I guess we are hoping to find others who are in the same position that have found ways to feel ok with giving England feebies. Would like to hear that other companies are taking just as much and the grass isn't greener. That for the meantime we are better off where we are. I really appreciate all of your time....:)
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  3. Baack

    Baack Road Train Member

    May 24, 2007
    Doesn't the variable mileage kick in after a certain amount of miles per week
    I thought it was for the extra wear and tear over the expected average weekly mileage
    I remember seeing something in a Ryder lease about this
  4. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
  5. kiacosiah

    kiacosiah Bobtail Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Reamstown Pa
    My husband just left with his trainer a week ago. I am very nervous about our future. From what i have heard CR is not the best company. He wants to do a trail 6month lease and get into training. His Trainer has been with the company for 3 years leasing a truck. It was new when he leased it. He has been pretty honest with my husband that if you want the lease program to work you must be willing to run. Less time at home. They had a delivery near our house so i took the family to have dinner with them. He said he is about to become an owner operator, and hes has to be making half descent money he has a wife and 3 kids, and hes been helping my husband alot paying for meals and showers and drinks and things. He is a real nice guy he said he remembers what it was like just starting out and being broke on a trainees salarey.He told my husband that there a lot of things that you have to do to make the lease program work . All i have seen on this site about england is bad, but atleast this guys story gives me a little hope.
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  6. carrot top

    carrot top Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    greenville, sc
    detention does not start 12 hours after Ur apt. it starts 3 hours after Ur apt. as long as u checked in and sent an arrival call on the q-com
  7. carrot top

    carrot top Light Load Member

    Nov 19, 2007
    greenville, sc
    ummm u don't pay taxes on business expenses and guess what...he knew about the 14 cent per mile charge before he signed the lease. and also he was told that on his next lease it would come down by half or if hes in the awards program he can use his awards to buy them down.
  8. juan m

    juan m Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    bakersfield, ca
    I'm going to start my orientation with CR England, May 11, 2009. Anyone have any ideas or advice. How much money I'm expenting after my training a week and if is true above what they say.
  9. ghostranger5of7

    ghostranger5of7 Light Load Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Springdale, AR

    The first and biggest likely reason is that the Company is being paid a fuel surcharge for the load you run. Most other lease/purchase companies will advertise "100% fuel surcharge pass through" or 75%.. or? England will assuredly be doing the same as it's an industry norm nowadays. It'd be either interesting or outrageous to learn how much of the fuel we're paying for has ALREADY been paid for by the customer.
  10. skullitor

    skullitor Medium Load Member

    Aug 5, 2005
    New England
    I'm told CRE not hiring company driver now. Only lease operators. Anyone know about this?
  11. phroziac

    phroziac Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gary, IN
    Leasing just doesn't make sense. Would you rent a uhaul to truck with? You can lease or buy trucks from outside parties often with bad credit, and then you can take that truck wherever you want.
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