Making your own carrier packet

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by Shotgun94, Oct 13, 2019.

  1. Shotgun94

    Shotgun94 Medium Load Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    Any of you independents here have your own carrier packet that you give to the shippers or brokers? When your going through filling out carrier packets when it comes to reading the contracts are you crossing out things that you don’t like and having them rewrite the contract?
    How is TQL or CHR? that’s one thing with being independent is you have a lot of contracts to go through and when your signing it all away.
    How often is their an issue where you have to go back to the contract?
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  3. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014
    Always read every contract word for word and learn to understand it. Some are simple and easy to agree to. Some I ask for changes. Some I refuse to sign. Then some they refuse to edit. I dont wanna work with a company that is not willing to negotiate on their side, but expects you to negotiate on your. Best to move on. I have a simple information packet of your normal stuff for direct customers
    But no contract. I verbally inform them 30 day payment is required, but at day 31 we have a problem. If they go over 30 they are moved to 15 day pay. But have company legit freight bills made up with your name and info. Serves two purposes. It's a binding agreement that legally supersedes any previous agreement when signed by all parties and I included payment terms of 7 days on freight bill. 2nd I dont do invoices, they get a copy of freight bill.

    You have to learn to hustle the hustlers in this game. Stick with it, day 31 I'm knocking down doors, and remind them paying over 30 days, (if that is what the broker/carrier agreement states) null and voids carrier agreement. Keep track in a file who violates this and cancel them if they are a issue.

    Make sure you read fine print for direct deposit ACH too. Lots of legal wording that makes a guy want a paper check.

    With all this said, you will find some that are great to work for and pays there bills faster than you can cash the checks. I have one that pays 7 days, one that pays every 12 days. There phone calls take priority.
  4. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    I keep what I call a carrier packet in a file in my phone and on my laptop in the back of the truck. It consists of:

    Authority letter
    copy of voided check for ACH setup if I do it. I rarely do until I've run for them a few times.

    I do not have time to read the contracts word for word. I glance through them and pay careful attention to certain parts. This would usually be detention, pay structure, stuff like that. What I definitely recommend is you always read your rate cons VERY closely. That's where the rubber meets the road IMO.
  5. danny23tx

    danny23tx Road Train Member

    Feb 16, 2016
    I made a file I threw on my laptop to quickly add everything. Been a while I might need to update a few things , most the new brokers I'm working with did everything online . Most work with a 3rd party like Rmis to simplify but it can still be a pain sometimes. Keep your banking info as well in case you prefer direct deposit , its typically faster than snail mail .
    Rideandrepair and Shotgun94 Thank this.
  6. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Brokerage contracts are like app permissions.

    You can refuse to give google access to your contacts, mic, camera, social security number, car titles, and porn collection, but you really cant negotiate much these days. Theres a dozen hungry drivers for every load. Leverage is against us right now.
    Shotgun94, 86scotty and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  7. TallJoe

    TallJoe Road Train Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Yeah, In every contract I read, there is always something in them that feels like a potential scam. Sometimes, I just sign them and try not to think too much but in order for me to feel comfortable, I'd have to cross out every third sentence and a few entire paragraphs.
    BTW. I would not do ACH with TQL - I read a few nice stories about it here.
  8. Rideandrepair

    Rideandrepair Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    It’s basically their contract, sign it if you want to do business. If not, don’t. The Larger the Brokerage, The Larger the Contract. It’s to protect them, not Me. They have deep pockets, not Me. I’ve booked loads without Contracts. Only Contract was the Confirmation Sheet. That’s all that’s really needed.Everything else is their BS. I’ve never had to go back through and read the Contracts, due to a problem, Thank God. Most of it never comes into play, things like fines for not giving check calls, etc. but can if they choose. A lot of it is rediculous. I’d bolt out half of every one if I could. Not really a option. My packet is the minimum. Auth, W9, Ins. That’s all. I’m sure when they deal with Large Carriers, they sign a contract also. I’d like to know/ see one of those. Since even Megas get a lot of freight from Brokers.
    Shotgun94 and 86scotty Thank this.
  9. FoolsErrand

    FoolsErrand Road Train Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Double yellow made up his own contract in brokerese and i think said never got anyone to sign it.

    We are the little guys. Oh well.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  10. Shotgun94

    Shotgun94 Medium Load Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    who else here has a good read besides double yellow? I heard their was another great thread like his?
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
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