Marten Transport, LTD. - Mondovi, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Marten' started by kpnpeace, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. DocHoliday

    DocHoliday Medium Load Member

    Jul 10, 2010
    Poquoson, VA
    Hey Skunk truck , Uh Martin Has been out of Biz since Jan 09
    So Marten is still in Biz nice try though
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  3. scooby&eeyore2008

    scooby&eeyore2008 Bobtail Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Marten Transport does not take care of their trucks, trailers, or drivers. Their pay is low, and not only that they well mess your pay checks up. You have to stay on top of them. I have had to call them about my husband paychecks and they would tell me that it well be fixed and on the next check but it would not be. I had some that it took me 3 months of calling before they paid him for the load. You have to stay on top of them about paying you back for the weight scales tickets that you paid out of your own pocket. You well have reefer and dry van. When you deliever your loads some are a drop and hook and some you well be waiting for ever to get unloaded or loaded. You well not hear a Marten driver complaing about the company because they can lose their job if they are caught. When they want to let you go they well tell to come to the yard and fire you. 99% of the time they well not fire you at your home yard. My father used to work for Marten Transport as well as my husband. We all live on the West Coast, when they let my father go they fired him in GA, he had to pack everything up. Pay for all his boxes to be shipped and then pay for his bus ticket home. The more pay that you get the shorter and tighter they get with your loads. You well hear lower pay drivers talking about how busy they have been with loads and hear them talking about all the miles that they are getting. The dispatchers dont care if you have the hours or not they well push the loads on to you and then give you problems. When ask for time off they have tell midnight of the first day off to have you home. So you a working on your first day off you want. You want to work for a good company send me a message and I well tell you who to go to work for.
  4. roguecowboy

    roguecowboy Bobtail Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Arkansas city Ks
    I worked for marten and I never had a problem with home time or pay. However what you said about there dispatchers is very true they want you to take every load wether your legal or not and then safty writes you up for it and you take the chance of looseing your job your fleet manager get payed a percentage of every load there trucks do so they want them running and if you get fired in the prosses oh well they will just replace you and ive seen them fire someone in forest park ga. and that driver had to get home to stockton ca. on there own. I worked for them and I wouldnt recomend working when i left 6 months ago they were paying 19cents a mile with like 17cents pedeum not good!!!
  5. CA_Medicine_Woman

    CA_Medicine_Woman Light Load Member

    Jun 3, 2009
    Oak Creek, WI
    I left Marten in July, and last month was finally paid for a trip I did 3 weeks before I quit. And the maintenance problems are true, at least in my experience. At one point, my rig was 12k miles past due for service. Most of that issue is related to a major shortage of facilities and personnel to actually do the maintenance and repairs, and generally there is a 5 day backlog for even basic PM service (once you actually show up for it).

    As for the home time issues, I would have loved to be home at 11:59 pm of the day requested. Generally, over the 4.5 years I worked for them, I would get home 3-11 days after the date requested, and I lived 6 miles from the Ontario terminal.

    And I've seen for myself how they do drivers they are firing, absolutely no warning, and generally as far from home as they can get you. They charge $14 per box, and you get roughly 30 minutes to get your stuff out of their rig (occasionally enforced, mostly not). I had to do a lot of planning when I decided to quit, to make sure I didn't end up stranded somewhere, including breaking my own rule about giving proper notice.

    As for running illegal, well, as someone told me, that's ultimately the driver's choice. However, Marten is lax about this a bit, allowing 3 log violations (any, including HOS) per 2 week audit period. Fleet managers know this, and exploit it to their advantage. Don't want to break the rules or laws? Then you will sit until you quit, it's that simple.

    Too bad, too. Up until a couple of years ago, Marten was one of the better companies to work for. Unfortunately, now they don't see past the next quarterly financial statement, and see drivers as a dime-a-dozen and not important to their overall operations.
  6. roadhammer123

    roadhammer123 Medium Load Member

    Nov 16, 2010
    Springfield, Ma. area
    how are there tractors and equipment are they use to the point of #### are the cabs nice low miles whats there story look nice but looks can be different inside
  7. rachi

    rachi Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    Trucks and trailers are in good shape. No, they don't run the equipment into the ground. Trucks are traded out at about 500,000K.
  8. scooby&eeyore2008

    scooby&eeyore2008 Bobtail Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    They do too run their equipment into the ground and then they find some way to blame the driver for it. They dont trade out the trucks about 500,000k.
  9. scooby&eeyore2008

    scooby&eeyore2008 Bobtail Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Cotact your labor board up there. They were supposed to have you paid completly by the next pay period. You can get intrest for the time that you dont have your pay on time. They keep sending me bills saying that we owe them for my husband bus ticket when his own family went up to the yard to pick him up and bring him down. Everytime I get a letter from them I call them up and fieght with them, it nots fun. They after a while they say ok we see our comment he did not take the bus, so he was credit the money back, that they automaticaly take out of your paycheck without asking. Then they tell me that its all done and corrected the right way and two to three months later I get another letter from them saying the same thing all and it starts all over again. When they fire you they make it so your record has been black balled and its really hard to find another truck driving job, and they also stop you from getting your unemployment. If you get it they well fieght it, even though they know that they were wrong. Its true about Marten the drivers are nothing but a dime a dozen.
  10. ezpickins624

    ezpickins624 Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Remember stay away from this gloomy graveyard of suckers...stay away from marten transport....
  11. ezpickins624

    ezpickins624 Light Load Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Remember..marten transport? Stay away from miles, treat you like trash, and the office is full of that good ole wisconsin ignorance that you can cut with a knife......2 wont recive your last paycheck, and your dac will be zapped as you head to the terminal.....bunch of backstabbers.....marten.. The graveyard of suckers
    hazmat777 Thanks this.
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