Marten Transport Sleep Apnea scam

Discussion in 'Marten' started by Trudger, May 25, 2013.

  1. 51.50

    51.50 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Salem Oregon
    You could refuse the test and get another job no problem
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    Reason for edit: spell
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  3. 5speed

    5speed Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2012
    I'd be fine with being tested and if I had it, getting a machine. I know sleep apeana is a real thing and honestly I probably do have it cause my wife says I snore bad and I am overweight.

    My problem with it is, I don't want to lose my job because I have it. If I can stay working and using it, then that's ok. Do they have a period before they start checking on the usage if you had problems?
  4. 51.50

    51.50 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Salem Oregon
    Loose weight and quit drinking beer. That worked for me. No more sleep app.
  5. Sh4cmi

    Sh4cmi Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2019
    They did simular something to me. Not Dot. Marten did. I passed DOT Physical. Marten said sleep study. I couldn't sleep as required. So I was terminated. Now looking for another company to hire me isn't easy without another sleep study that i can't pay. No insurance! Thanks Marten Transport
  6. Twiztidtex

    Twiztidtex Bobtail Member

    Aug 20, 2019
    I had the exact same thing as the OP but from Maverick Transportation. I am 6'4" and weigh 300 lbs. The "doctor" they had "diagnosed" everybody that was fat as having sleep apnea. We were then given a smart watch to sleep with over night. Apparently you don't have to measure breathing to measure breathing anymore, ain't technology grand?

    So, I had a valid medical card good for 1 year because of Hypertension. When I got to Mav's orientation, I was informed that I would have to get a new medical card regardless of when I was issued my current one. I complied because the pay was going to be really really good compared to what I had been making for the past year.

    When their 'doc' examined me, he looked at my tonsils without looking in my mouth. I'm 6'4" he was about 5'something, basically he was looking at my nipples. Told me I had extra meat around my tonsils, however he never looked inside my throat. I was given the smart watch, and when my roommates saw it, they asked why I had to take the test when I didn't even snore.

    I took the 'test' and was found to have slight SA, issued a machine and mask. I tried for 3 months to get my compliance up to 70% but was always short at around 35% being my best. I did however go through 3 masks because I was ripping them off in my sleep and breaking them because I was suffocating. Had my wife try it on once and she freaked out because she couldn't breathe with it on.

    Ended up with an expiring medical card and a trip home because I couldn't get in compliance. I did go to their vendor multiple times and called in multiple times about my problems. Stayed at home for over a month using the machine while awake and while sitting in my recliner, compliance changed to 0%.

    Ended up resigning on the 23rd of July, then find out that Mav put me down as terminated. That's a debacle that I'm still trying to get corrected.

    I got my own sleep study, negative for any SA, got a new MedCard and went with a different company. Not making as much as I was with Mav, but at least I'm driving again making money.
  7. TruckerLili

    TruckerLili Bobtail Member

    Jan 29, 2024
    Same thing happened with me with Schneider Trucking. I do NOT have sleep apnea.. they sent me hone with a bogus test where I had to stick a monitor wire on my chest that lasted maybe 30 minutes before it unstuck and the wires got tangled in my hair as I am a toss n turner but I sleep well. Now they FORCE me to this CPaP machine that I CANNOT sleep one minute with, as I am a face sleeper…I am currently on suspension with zero income because I can only use it during non-sleep hours or I’m up all night with the ###### mask and have to sleep during the day!!! I also left the continent/ country for 2 weeks and was told that was grounds for suspension too as they expect me to use it in my private life and monitor me off duty! This is horrendous theft I of rights!!!
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