Maverick Ic info -
With their lease program you make payments for 4 years then have a balloon payment of $10,000. The Freightliner Columbia, which is what my husband drives, goes for about $45,000 for a 3 yr old truck according to their website. You can lease a trailer for $325. or so a month, but considering you can buy one for $12,000. from them, why lease it?
Over the course of 4 years, a lease would be $15,600 and to outright buy, would be $3,600 less. The downside that I have been told by my husband is that you are still on the point system. So, if you point out, you get fired, you lose your truck and all the money you paid. I have not confirmed this assumption, but that does not seem fair if it is true.
My husband has talked to a couple of other drivers who are IC. They do not get paid for deadheading and you will deadhead a good bit with Maverick. As a company driver, you are paid for this, but not IC. He has been told that an IC driver can make anywhere from $1,000 a week to $1,500 take home after all is said and done (excluding your Income Taxes). Based on this, my husbands current yearly take home as a company driver is $36,500. The IC driver would make $52,000. This is a difference of $15,500.
Your fed SS & med taxes on $52K would be around $4K and then the with holding taxes for married filing joint would be around $7,100; total of $11,100. However, if you consider the Standard Deduction, your liability would be around $9,500.
So the increase in pay would actually be around $4,400 - $6,000. Barring any other expenses out of pocket and not reimbursible. So, is it worth the extra $4,400 - $6,000 to deal with the tax headaches and all other headaches associated with owning your own business/rig?
My husband and I are still debating it.
Maverick IC
Discussion in 'Maverick' started by LostInThe80s, Nov 28, 2007.
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Price a set of tires, any minor repair, regular maintenance, or a tow/breakdown on side of the road, and that little bit of "profit" just flew the coop. Anything that puts your truck in the shop not only costs $$$$$ to repair, but you aint getting miles during this time also. ANY down time cost DOUBLE. Think LONG n HARD!!!!!!
They do have a point system. They stay on for a year or you can go to NLR watch a video and take a test and drop points. You don't get paid for this, but if you are in the NLR area you can lose points this way. Speaking of which I need to swing by NLR. -
Points for what??????
They use a point system. If you get put OOS 1 point. If you get logbook violations one point. etc, -
Nothing for late delivery times, stuff like that outa your control? As far as the log book violations, do they look at your paper logs VS the Qualcomm stats and ding you on that, or do they just look at your paper logs? Gotta use that GRAY area a good bit ya know.
if you are going to buy a truck do NOT go the lease purchase plan! the cards are stacked in the companies favor.when you are close to paying the truck off,youre freight will mysteriously dry up. then you get mad and turn the truck back in.then there is another wannabe at the door to l/p the same truck advice is this drive a company truck for a GOOD company,one that doesnt pay drivers to rat out other drivers,that dont double tarp or secure their loads exactly as the saftey dep't demands. i worked for builders transportation for 18 yrs,until my health wouldn't allow me to drive anymore.its family owned and you will never find anyone better to work for than frank phillips. drive a company truck and save your money religiously.then when you have enough for a good downpayment AND 3 mos expenses. go buy a truck and lease it back to them.i know o/o that have been there for years and bought and paid for 3 trucks! last but not least JOIN OOIDA. company driver or o/o all drivers need to join ooida. before you l/p you can send them a copy of the lease and their legal dep't will read it and advise you on the good and bad points of it.
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