May Trucking

Discussion in 'May Trucking' started by stevenater, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. CAGEtrucker

    CAGEtrucker Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2010
    Somewhere, AZ
    FP I am deciding between another and May, I went to Mays Phoenix depot today with the guy from school who is hooked on them I was impressed, they made a great 1st impression on me.

    2 years with May, that is great but you have 11 years of experience. So compared to the other companies is May high on the list of being one of the best

    I am entry level and just trying to make the right decision for my family. I have my wife and 4 kids, I want to be able to do well financially for them. I did find out today that me having sleep apnea makes me exempt from their idle policy.

    THANKS for the info.
    Last edited: May 18, 2010
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  3. LostinOregon

    LostinOregon Bobtail Member

    Apr 2, 2010
    Siletz Or
    Everyone wants to do financially well for their family, but until you get several years experience and can get on with with a company that pays way better then a training mill you and yer family will never be well off. I only make 30 cents a mile with a different company right now and can barely pay the bills. Dont expect to make a truck load of cash right off the bat, remember, you will be low man on the totem pole and may not get the miles that others are getting. Best bet is to get on running the 48 states, gonna have to sacrifice some time with yer family, but you will make more then a regional run and once you have established yerself as a dedicated driver, then you can get better miles with more home time.
  4. CAGEtrucker

    CAGEtrucker Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2010
    Somewhere, AZ
    I just want to make sure I pick the right company I have narrowed it down to 2 companies and both are great and had good reviews on here. I am pretty torn between the 2. 1 I have an offer from and ready for orientation the other will hopefully come in tomorrow or Wednesday.
  5. LostinOregon

    LostinOregon Bobtail Member

    Apr 2, 2010
    Siletz Or
    I cant tell ya anything about Watkins Shepard, never really even talked to any of their drivers. From what i can tel they got nice equipment, I tried to get on with May, but was not able to, they had to many students and i was turned down because of my experience. Only bad thing i have to say about May is their recruiting department, Have spoken with May drivers out on the road, got a mixed bag of emotions about them. But May is a good company to get a few years experience with then get on with another company that only hires experienced drivers where ya will make more money.
  6. stevenater

    stevenater Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2010
    Thats a good point. And it's good to hear since im going with them. Went in today, just waiting for a trainer.
  7. CAGEtrucker

    CAGEtrucker Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2010
    Somewhere, AZ
    Where you from Steve?
  8. FirePete

    FirePete Bobtail Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    seattle, wa

    what i have finally learned over the years is you get what you make out of. The main reason why i came to may was to get more miles and so far i am happy with that decision i made. I also like their 48 state lanes - longer loh and simple network.

    At the entry level, you won't be knocking it out of the park financially and not even as an experienced company driver. The key is to lease(as a starter) or operate as an o/o to start making some serious doughs. Again, like everyone here saying may is a good place to begin in my opinion.
  9. lovintruckin

    lovintruckin Light Load Member

    May 15, 2009
    Tampa, FL
    Lost - I thought you didn't get hired because of where you lived :biggrin_25526:
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