I read on here people saying they have worked for MBM and how bad it is. I work at a Darden Center. I love it. I will try to give the pros and cons. The good- Money. I work 4 days a week and will break 70 for the 4th year in a row. I stay in a motel on both my layovers. We use lift gates and electric jacks. I get 80 hours paid vacation a year (120 starting next year my 5th) Vacation is based off previous years average. So you don't take a pay cut to take off. Once you get dedicated routes you pretty much run same stops every week and get to know your people. Most stops feed us. Some days I get free food before and after lunch. My Dr calls my health insurance "millionaires insurance" It is reasonably priced. We do not run illegal. Routes are based on 13 hour day. So even if you get a little behind you can still finish your day.I have NEVER been asked to falsify my logs. We are getting e-logs soon so no one will be able to cheat. I ran out of hours with a needed back haul recently and they sent a supervisor and another driver to get me. I was only 45 mins away with paper logs they didn't even consider me coming on in illegally.I can't imagine another job being better. The bad- We slip seat. The trucks are beat to hell. But I don't expect them to have a truck with my name on door while I'm at home 3 days a week. There is a high turnover in warehouse. Some loads really suck. bad stacks loose straps adds more work. But at almost 22 cents a case I get over it. My biggest gripe is they are obsessed with back hauls. They are often poorly scheduled. I have to take an extra layover sometimes due to sitting for 3 or 4 hours waiting to get loaded. But again I get over it. It is not an every week thing. You will start on extra board. Which means if you have hours you work. Most guys on extra board will make more than me because I have dedicated routes and I only log about 50 hours a week. If its hot you sweat. If it rains you get wet. Cold? Yep you guessed it. You get cold. On the busy holidays it's all hands on deck. Seniority or not we run till its done but hey It's a job. I'm sure I'm forgetting something but If you have any questions I will be happy to answer. I have nothing to gain by not telling you truth as I know it. I have just really got annoyed by the negative post on here by people who couldn't hack it. No it's not bumping a dock and sleeping till your loaded but I would rather do a little work and make good money and have a decent home life. I can't imagine being on road 3 weeks at a time for same or less money.
Mbm foodservice
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by TEN4DISPATCH, Aug 14, 2008.
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Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
I work for MBM out of DC01 in Rocky Mount and had a couple questions for you:
You mentioned you get almost 22 cents per case? What are they paying yall per mile? I've often wondered why I'm seeing advertisements for 70k a year average for other centers but ours (as company HQ...or soon to be former HQ I suppose, since McLane will take over fully on January 1st) only averages around 55k. Obviously we're making WAY less per piece than you are but I'm wondering how your ppm is. It can't be that big of a difference. And if it is, I'm curious as to why? The pieces we handle are just as heavy as yours, and I imagine you have just as many, and I imagine our stops are just as much work, so why are we only making 14 cents per case? Thats a question I want answered by management here and your numbers would help me make that argument greatly. Same with miles pay. We just got a raise, but it seems like we are still making less than anyone else in the company. If you don't feel like answering that question on privacy grounds, I understand.
A couple less "private" questions, though: what percentage of your loads are liftgates? We don't even have enough liftgates at DC01 to cover all the routes leaving out on Tuesdays (maybe five or six get them) (on the other hand DC07, also here in RM, has ZERO liftgate trailers) and there aint a single electric jack at either of these DCs for the drivers. On a similar thread, do they make yall buy your own handcarts? -
hi every 1 i got an intrview tue at tracy ,ca any info how many hours a day how is this dc, they said 5 days out 2 days off and jb hunt will be my employer on the phone they setup the interview wat can i expect? i am new only four month otr experince i am making .36 cpm 4to 5 thousand mile 7-8 out 2-3 days home 10-99.
I believe It Dont matter how much a company pays per case or mile, or wether they pay hourly or per load, what matters is how much can I gross on my w2 from Jan 1 thru Dec 31, am averaging $60k as a company driver, and to me... that is very good pay, many (especially owner ops) tell me I aint making shet and I should look for something else..... So, am either gonna buy my own truck or apply at McLane. Unless someone knows a different way to bring in $70k?
Longboy, I didn't actually interview here in Newnan. I transferred here from the Montgomery Alabama dc back in 2012. That's when the Newnan dc opened. The interview process shouldn't be anything to worry about. The people you'll interview with are all really cool. I'll find out some details and get back to you.
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