1. krockodile

    krockodile Bobtail Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Well this is certainly good information about Mercer! I appreciate guys! I was wondering since the guy I spoke with Mercer said that they are primarily a flatbed, stepdeck hauling company, how expensive are those types of trailers? I have never pulled one but am certainly not afraid of pulling any type of trailer necessary to make a living!
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  3. krockodile

    krockodile Bobtail Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    San Antonio, TX
    Thanks for the information about Mercer! I spoke with a guy named Gary in recruiting, he is going to look over everything for me and get back with me. How long have you been with them?? I am based out of San Antonio, TX but want to run up through TN where my wife's family lives! Take care and thanks again :biggrin_25525:
  4. Lil Blue Pony

    Lil Blue Pony Brown Eyed Girl

    Feb 22, 2008
    I have seen loads for vans and rgn's and double drops on the board as well so If ya want something specific just ask them about it ....I even seen a hot shot about month ago with a Mercer decal on the side......
  5. touchngo

    touchngo Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Indianapolis, IN
    I have a question. How good would Mercer be for someone who doesn't have a computer in his truck to access the load board? I've got a buddy that is a bit older that doesn't have a pc or the internet. Personaly, I think he is a little intimidated by the whole technology thing. He used to be leased with a company that did have an online load board but whenever he'd call in it's like he got the "bottom of the barrel" freight that nobody else wanted. He'd let them know where he was and when he'd be somewhere so something could be set up for him. They'd say they had nothing but whenever I'd look on the load board for him there was all kinds of freight. He called them out on it several times and now is no longer with them. At the moment he's considering Mercer and Pacer Transport so I thought that I'd get on and ask for him.

    Thanks, Mark
  6. Lil Blue Pony

    Lil Blue Pony Brown Eyed Girl

    Feb 22, 2008
    Its not necesary to have the computer on board. My husband is not computer savy at all. I run the computer and watch the load board. BUT not all of our loads show up on the load board.......many times we have a load that never makes it to the board....have not yet firgured out how all of this happenes but the main thing is having a good coordinator and andother secret is a good relationship with that cordinator and giving him the ability to take a load without your approval. Sometimes there is not enough time to get ahold of the driver before the load disapears. I have been watching the boards for about a couple of months now and have only found 2 times that I found a load that the coordinator missed (using that tearm losely) many times I am looking at the load about the time he calles with the load.......SO it is not necessary to have it to run good......I think alowing your cordinator some liberties will go a long way to keeping you moving also having the equiptment to do anything that is out there also helps...guys that leave their tarps at home miss out on alot of oportunities
    touchngo and Big Duker Thank this.
  7. touchngo

    touchngo Bobtail Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Indianapolis, IN
    Thanks LBP, I will let him know. I see Mercer trucks come into the truckstop where I do my layover and just haven't had a chance to talk with any of them. He's talked with a few Mercer O/O's in the past and they all seem to be happy. But, then again, they may have been the ones that have been there for a long time getting all the good stuff.

    Thanks again!
  8. Lil Blue Pony

    Lil Blue Pony Brown Eyed Girl

    Feb 22, 2008
    yes we get the same responce too from the "vets" that have been there awhile BUT we have been there since Jan and its more about learning how the system works not a seniority issue. If he is a hard runner he should have no problem......wish him the best......
    Big Duker Thanks this.
  9. Gonzo_

    Gonzo_ Medium Load Member

    Oct 30, 2008
    Clayton, NC
    I am with Mercer still.. I've been there almost 4 years now. I'll agree that Landstar seems to be a sore word around Mercer but I do not pretend to know how or why..

    There are plenty of people at Mercer who do not like L/S and their politics.. I never worked for L/S and in all likelyhood never will. I'm content where i am. My $$ is always there, freight is a roller coaster, sometimes hot sometimes cool..

    You must have your own trailer # Mercer, though they will help you get into 1 if you do not already have 1.. As for the refusing loads and going to the bottom of the list.. This is absolutely false! You are in complete control of your operation, they do not force any load on you, and will never complain that you've been home too long, sat too long, or turned down too many loads..

    There arn't a lot of ways to get around the first in first out system, agents can get in hot water for trying.. So "knowing" a agent won't help you get good loads (unlike L/S).. Hope this helps.... PM me if you want more info!
    TennMan Thanks this.
  10. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    When I was in LS orientation there was a guy there from Mercer. He had been with Mercer, then LS, then Mercer and back to LS where he said he planned on staying.
  11. Trucker Dave

    Trucker Dave Bobtail Member

    Nov 21, 2008
    Kensington, Kansas
    I have meet a lot of oo drivers that were with Mercer. Never ever heard any bad things. This is rare!! Say has anyone heard of Ace Doran hauling and Rigging? Good ,Bad,or ugly?
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