1. dshaw1965

    dshaw1965 Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    what do you think about mercer, or what have you heard that you believe to be true
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  3. 24valve puller

    24valve puller Medium Load Member

    Sep 8, 2007
    N.E. Oh
    I haven't heard anything bad, I just know they are dealing with the same B.S. that we are, I see them sitting empty in the same truck stops that we are, I know a couple of guys that are leased there and they have to work way too hard for just doing ok. Ive been home since tuesday with nothing to do here in N.E. oh.
    dshaw1965 Thanks this.
  4. Gonzo_

    Gonzo_ Medium Load Member

    Oct 30, 2008
    Clayton, NC
    I've been w/ Mercer since Feb. 2006.. We do more than our fair share of sitting.. Mostly because the rates are not good enough and then sit till somthing worthwile comes along.. TX is tough.. Dallas, even tougher.. Houston seems to be a little better in my experiance but the rates are the sticking factor..

    As for Mercer telling you you "have to stay out for 3-4 weeks" I've NEVER heard of such a thing! You are the captain of your ship. If ANY company tries telling you different then they are flirting with getting sued and violating the Federal leasing regs, and the laws governing independant contractors and being a company driver.. (Look at the IRS website for the key deciding factors that differientiate you from being a company driver, entitled to benifits, insurance, workmans comp., vacations, ect.. vs O/O where everything is on you..)! I have gotten home every weekend when I could.. Other times I've stayed out for 5 weeks... depends on how the freight moves.

    Mercer is a irregular route carrier.. (No dedicated loads that I know of). You are at the mercy of the "freight gods"..lol

    All in all a decent company.. Just a FYI.. They are developing a internet based load selection system that'll be online soon for everyone to use.. You'll soon be able to pre-select loads on the computer.. It won't completelt do away with coordinators. They will still have to monitor you and the load for things like delivery changes, freight rate changes, tarping requirement changes, added / deleated stops.. more weight..ect.. If anything changes you can technicaly break acceptance on a load.. It changed and is no longer the same load you were offered & accepted initialy..

    The public load board is for the most part gone by the wayside. The new sign in loadboard is getting all the attention. However, you will not have complete access to ALL loads.. There are controls in place to prevent drivers from seeing everything.. Like future loads months in advance.. or in some cases customer ph. #'s.. I'm sure in todays competitive industry other companies and the like would love to get their hands on a customers list and try and undercut a competitor....

    I pull a RGN now insted of a step. Things are a little different on the RGN side of the house..
    dshaw1965 Thanks this.
  5. jyhm

    jyhm Light Load Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    New England, USA

    I am wondering about Mercer's locations. I see their map, but is it just offices, or do they have places that you can park your truck also? If so how do I find out this information?

    Do they have a van division?

    It is pronounced (merser) am i correct?

    Thanks for your help! :biggrin_25519:
  6. Brickman

    Brickman Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 17, 2006
    I don't believe they have van freight.

    For that check out Landstar.
  7. jyhm

    jyhm Light Load Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    New England, USA
    Let me be more clear,

    Supposing I had a flat and a van. In such case I could lease with LS. I know Mercer to be a flatbed Co. But on their website it lists requirements if you have a van. Leading me to ask the question if they actually have van freight.

    Also, anyone with info about their terminals (if any) would be greatly Appreciated! Such as, where are the ones that you can park at. Are they listed? Car parking if it is near your home?

    It is pronounced (merser) am i correct?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  8. Gonzo_

    Gonzo_ Medium Load Member

    Oct 30, 2008
    Clayton, NC
    Mercer does have van freight.. Just go to their brokerboard to see some of the loads.. The broker board is not all the loads avail. but it does represent some of the freight avail..

    As for terminals?? You are the O/O why would you want to park your truck at a terminal?? You are the company, the "terminal" is your house..

    Actually no, there are no terminals, just agents in other states. The only terminal is Louisville, Ky. where the companies HQ is located.. They have parking there and there ONLY..

    It is pronounced "Mer-sir" but spelled Mercer..
    REDD Thanks this.
  9. REDD

    REDD The Legend

    Jun 29, 2009
    Dueling Banjoville
    A lot of good information here.

    I spent a couple hours on the phone with Greg & Gary in Merer's recruiting dept. today. Since it is Friday, I'm guessing I won't hear nothing until Tuesday or Wednesday.
  10. Gonzo_

    Gonzo_ Medium Load Member

    Oct 30, 2008
    Clayton, NC
    Sitting for 5 days like someone posted in here is entirely possible in todays world.. Freight is trribly slow and sparradic. It seems like there are no real hot areas any more even the traditional states that you used to be able to just about pick and choose your loads are getting tough!

    Rates.. are the main reason I sit in TX. They want me to pull the freight for cheap $$.. I just refuse to haul cheap freight..

    I realy like Mercer, you purchase fuel wherever you want and they DO NOT charge back taxes to the driver.. The only catch is you have to run "their" base plate.. (It's a IL. tag which you pay for..) Their settlements are paid ASAP.. I've never had to wait for my $$ at Mercer.. Their advance policy is great.. You can get up to 50% of the load in advance, loaded on either TCH or Comdata, YOU decide..
    There is a national account on tires, fuel dicsounts, prepass, and the way they do deductions is in my opinion real fair! Mercer pays for all permits if a load requires it. The rate they quote you is EXACTLY what that load pays the TRUCK.. No math is needed to figure out gross and divide 75% of 98% or anything.. All that has been calculated.

    Right now a computer is not nessessary to get loads, BUT they are working toward a more computerized type dispatch slowly. Right now it is just a tool for drivers to use. Yes, you can preselect freight so if a load makes it to you, you'll be sure to get it.. BUT it is not nessessary. Your coordinator (dispatcher) has 8 min. to get ahold of you once a load is offered to you. A cell phone is way more important than a laptop..
    REDD Thanks this.
  11. REDD

    REDD The Legend

    Jun 29, 2009
    Dueling Banjoville
    And that is why a cell phone is part of their requirement for leasing on.

    But what happens when you get that cell phone in a dead area... I've never had luck in Kansas with phones.
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