Might this be an option for me?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by NCstroker, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. NCstroker

    NCstroker Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2007
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    I am 29 years old and I currently run a small lot clearing/grading business out of Raleigh NC. When I say small, I mean its just me from December-March and then I hire on someone to help for the summer. Because of my companies small size, I don't stay as consistent as other companies. During the winter months especialy I may work for a week, then not work for a week or even more. Sometimes this even happens during the summer too. Its enough to keep the bills paid, but sitting around with nothing to do can get boring, not to mention tight on the check book after a while.

    Ive always liked trucks. I even convinced myself that even though I contract most of my hauling, I needed to buy a dump truck. I think I rationalize keeping it only to fulfill my urge to drive it sometimes.. LOL

    So anyway, with my story told. I was wondering if perhaps getting into the O/O trucking business part time would be worth it for somebody in my position. The 30-40k investment for a decent used tractor seems doable IMO, i know there is insurance and upkeep ofcourse. But would I be able to find work for it when I want to find work for it? How much do you think I need to work the truck to make the truck payment/insurance/ect.. plus putting a little bit of extra coin in my pocket?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Even if you think this is the dumbest idea ever, let me know. :)
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  3. luvmyhubby

    luvmyhubby Road Train Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Sidney MI
    First thing you need to know is how much are your actuall expenses going to be? on a monthly basis, THEN you can figure out how much you need to keep the truck on the road.

    In my area there seems to be quite the need for dump trucks especially in the spring when people want sand and driveway gravel. I would think you could keep pretty busy so long as you dont over charge for your service.....check out the locals and see what they are getting for their trucks to haul a load, and see if you can compete given the monthly costs.
  4. NCstroker

    NCstroker Bobtail Member

    Feb 23, 2007
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    Unfortunately in my area there already "seems" to be a glut of dump trucks. This is also something I want to be able to do when I want to. Contractors wont be calling very often after the first time I tell them I can't be running my dump truck this week. I purchased the truck to assist in my lot clearing and use it when and if its not worth contracting out a hauling company.

    One other thing I have considered is purchasing a tractor w/ a lowboy trailer. Currently since I only own 3 pieces of equipment that can't be hauled behind a regular pick up, I contract out my equipment moving as its not worth owning a truck and trailer. So a lowboy would obviously benefit my regular business. I think one niche could be long distance equipment hauling. I know many companies that do it localy. But I would have to research if there is any demand for long distance...
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