Millis OTR journal

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Steelersjunkie, May 15, 2017.

  1. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    Trust me, I wouldn't ever laugh at the Swift mention. I know a few dam good drivers who work for them. Depending on what you want to do, there is some very good money to be had there. For as much flack as they get online, they are a decent place to work and have some excellent drivers. Now, that statement does NOT apply to the two brain-dead window lickers that were in my way yesterday morning when I was trying to get checked in for delivery. I got a real indignant response when I asked them to please back up so I could turn and make my way to receiving. I watched them struggle for (no joke) 10 minutes trying to dock before grabbing security to make them move. Best entertainment I've had in quite a while lol.
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  3. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    @Gremlin304 I made my second stop to Bruceton Mills Thursday. Those folks are giving your state some mad rep. Really nice folks, great stop. Check it out sometime. Little Sandy's is the name of the truck stop. Walk for about 1/4 mile and you'll end up in one of the friendliest dive bars I've ever seen. It's a very unique town. I love the people, I'm definitely a fan. Between them and the little truck stop in Beckley, I believe my opinion has been swayed :)
    IH Truck Guy Thanks this.
  4. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV
    I haven't been up that way in forever, but I'll have to check out that place the next time I am.

    Since you run I68 quite a bit maybe you or somebody else can answer a question for me:. Is it worth it to take US 522 as a shortcut from I 70 just west of Hagerstown down through Berkeley Springs down to I 81S? I've never been through that way but it's the way my GPS wanted to take me coming from PA last week. If it had been daytime and nice weather I may have tried it but it was dark and snowing so I ignored my GPS and took 70 on over to 81.
  5. IH Truck Guy

    IH Truck Guy Road Train Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    So you've been to the post office.
    Don't tell everyone because we'll never have parking at Little
    Steelersjunkie Thanks this.
  6. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    Lmao yup. Nice folks. I'll be quiet I promise :)
    IH Truck Guy Thanks this.
  7. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    I just ran that road on Thursday. I use 522 every time I'm going from 68 to 81. I'm not going to lie and say it's awesome. But it's definitely not bad. The northern portion sucks. God help you if you hit that section when the school zone lights are flashing. But the rest of it is fine. I wouldn't take it after or during a heavy snow. But me and that road are for sure on a first name basis.
    Gremlin304 Thanks this.
  8. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV
    I figured if anybody would know it would be you. I know you run thst area a lot these days. Thanks!
    Steelersjunkie Thanks this.
  9. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    You're welcome man. Anything I can do for a fellow redneck. By the way, it's about a 40 mile stretch. It's definitely worth it. The first 4-5 miles are a little slow. The rest is decent. It's a small chunk of my full bypass around DC from WV and PA to get south, depending on where I'm headed. 66 and 17 are on my close friends list as well. Because let's face it, DC and Baltimore suck. I'd rather deal with Atlanta than those cities.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
  10. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    I'm starting to believe that there's something to what I've been told from some old dog mountain runners. After a while the roads recognize you, instead of the other way around. And they treat you like a friend because you run them regularly. I'm starting to get a bit of a passion for running the mountains, it feels like home. Not so much in snow, but duh. Nobody likes those days. But I believe my heart belongs to the hills. Never thought i'd say that. Kinda hungry to get back in them. Hopefully with a lighter load than my last one. See you soon WV and KY.
  11. ImTakinHalf

    ImTakinHalf Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Well, guess I got the rookie treatment today. 65 North through Kentucky felt like breaking in a horse.
    Steelersjunkie Thanks this.
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