Millis OTR journal

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Steelersjunkie, May 15, 2017.

  1. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    I'm not a fan at all how ridiculously sue happy this nation has become. But in this case, I hope you sued. Our jobs are hard enough without having to deal with that garbage. One one hand, these facilities are expecting us to do our jobs in spite of wicked temperatures and brutal winds bringing ice and snow that covers our work space. And on the other they do nothing to hold up their end of the contract. Because this truly is a two way contract. We provide the labor and the equipment that provides them with product. They are supposed to provide acceptable work conditions and a sufficient amount of competent staff. Funny how rarely we get that.
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  3. keen98

    keen98 Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    Screw that. Screw that elog I'll violate by 1, 2, 3 hrs before I'll sleep on a ramp. Idc. Its dangerous, and Millis does nor want us parking on ramps. Violate, find parking, and send Diane a msg explaining why and I guarantee nothing gets said. And if she does say anything, read the message, delete it, and go on about your day. Been doing this job 3.5hrs and Ive never slept on a ramp, but I've violated more than I can count on my 2 hands. And guess what, I'm still a trainer, and I still get all my bonuses. #### that elog worry bout your safety and getting a good nights sleep before you worry bout that ticking clock.
    Farmer54 and Steelersjunkie Thank this.
  4. packersfanmw87

    packersfanmw87 Medium Load Member

    Jan 7, 2019
    West Allis, WI
    Man, I hope I can get you as a trainer keen98. You know how to keep rolling, keep safe, and stay on the right side of everything it seems.
  5. keen98

    keen98 Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    Sorry no packers fans allowed in my truck.....lmao. when you starting school?
  6. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    This is an EXTREMELY important point, glad you posted it. Ramps are incredibly dangerous. You're aren't safe at all, even if you have a truck or two behind you. All it takes is one person who's a little bit tired or distracted getting off the road and ending your life. Or, ending your career at the very least. Cuz guess what? If you get hit by another trucker you will be held at least partially responsible for that accident. In some states, you could be found completely responsible for that accident. Just depends on the state and/or local municipality law. Not a good look on your PSP. You WILL miss out on future opportunities, that's a guarantee. I mentioned this before I think, but we have a rule here at Landstar. It's called the Sitting Duck rule. We aren't allowed to be on the side of the road, ever. Unless it's an emergency, you gotta get somewhere safe. Ramps are included in that. If I'm reported by a Landstar employee, broker, or another driver, I'm fired. Instantly. If you're a new guy here you'll get one warning if they're feeling generous. But they're gonna assume that after a few months you know about that rule, and they don't pull punches at all with compliance. I'm not the biggest fan of where I'm at right now, but losing this gig over a stupid decision ain't gonna happen. Especially with only 5 months to go.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    Old_n_gray Thanks this.
  7. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV

    Edit: This was supposed to quote your first load post, MIT. Not sure what happened.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    MIT Thanks this.
  8. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV
    Any of you guys ever delivered beer to Spirit and Sanzone Distributing in East Syracuse? I am delivering there tomorrow and I'm having a hard time figuring out the place by looking at the satellite view.

    JOHNQPUBLIC Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Central New York
    That was my frequent going home load. What would you like to know?
  10. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV
    Which docks do we use and where do you get turned around to setup for them? It doesn't look like there's much room anywhere around the building except for that place out in the main front (east side of building) and I'm not sure if trucks are supposed to be in there. Those docks around the back on the west side of the building don't look very fun at all.

    JOHNQPUBLIC Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Central New York
    Are you delivering kegs or regular cases of beer on pallets? Kegs used to go on the back side and regular loads go on the side docks. I only delivered kegs once. The whole place is generally tight.

    1)The check in door is just to the left of the side docks. Go there first and see where they want you. You enter thru a gate that is front of those side docks.

    2) I used to go around back and spin around and come back to the side docks so I could sight side back in. There is enough room out there but barely. Might be trickier depending on their snow plowing.

    3) I personally drove in and stayed as far left as possible. After I checked in I would continue towards the back. As I reached the back I would hook it right so I could drive on the far right edge of the parking lot as you are approaching the rear docks. Then I would do a U Turn on the driver's side in front of the rear docks and head back around towards the side where you came in.

    4) Now as you are turning left to go back towards the side docks stay as far left as possible as you approach the side docks so you can get the best set up for the side docks.

    Pull hard left and skim the front of the docks as closely as you can. Hopefully there are not any other trucks there. Will be much easier.

    5) As you are running out of parking lot towards the fence line hook hard right and then another hard left and head towards the gate entrance like you are leaving and stop as you roughly get to the threshold of leaving.

    6) Begin your sight side back into whatever dock they give you. Do not slide your tandems back until you are lined up. Those side docks are inside and normally in cold weather after you are docked they want you to drop the trailer and pull the tractor forward outside. They will come with your paperwork when.

    You can also ignore everything I said and blindside back in. It is what I did the first time when I had no idea what to do. I didn't do that again. I hope this all made sense. I've been there many times so it does to me but maybe not to someone who never has.
    Gremlin304 Thanks this.
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