Millis OTR journal

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Steelersjunkie, May 15, 2017.

  1. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    Sorry you were held up but this kind of crap cracks me up. I'm with you. How do you not have basic equipment on your truck? I've got about 15 straps, and 3 load bars. The load I'm picking up this morning had specific instructions that 8 straps were required, more would be appreciated. Sounds like the driver you waited on either had a garbage dispatcher, or he was just ignorant.
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  3. Gremlin304

    Gremlin304 Road Train Member

    Dec 22, 2017
    Parkersburg, WV
    I don't know how long it's been since you've been to Miller in Trenton but you can actually buy straps and load locks at the trailer inspection dock there, now. I guess it became a big enough problem there that somebody came up with that idea.
    ShinobiSharp Thanks this.
  4. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    That doesn't surprise me at all, makes sense. Great opportunity to make a little cash. How bad are they raping people on cost? And it's been pretty close to a year.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  5. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    I will be making a very along awaited return to the J in Lebanon Indiana tonight if anyone will be around. Man I miss that place. Holler at me if it fits your schedule, happy to buy you a barley pop.
  6. MIT

    MIT Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2018
    How do you guys log your fueling and drop and hooks? Do you go on duty for entire time a portion of time or 3 minutes after all is said and done. Want to do this right.
  7. ImTakinHalf

    ImTakinHalf Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    Yeah I talked to one of the other guys from my class yesterday, and he says his trainer is the same way - hammer down and pass everyone you see... Lol. Oh well, guess I'll just deal. It's looking like they're all the same
  8. keen98

    keen98 Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    Fueling I log it as i do it. Unless I'm pressed on time then after 5mins or so I'll jump back in and kick myself off duty. Drop and hooks and loading unloading I put myself on duty go check inand immediately put my self off duty as long as its been 3+ mins. Again if I'm pressed for time or needing a 30min break I'll vary it a lil. The main thing that will get Diane on your ### is if you log 3mins for every single thing you do. Just vary it a lil here and there to fit your schedule best and she wont say a word..
    ShinobiSharp and Farmer54 Thank this.
  9. keen98

    keen98 Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2014
    While mostly true 1 thing students don't understand when 1st getting in the truck is what exactly my truck can do and handle. So they need told to be a lil more aggressive because its perfectly safe to take this corner at 50mph instead of slowing down to 30mph and causing issues behind us. So am I being a bad trainer cuz I'm pushing him outside his comfort level? Noone knows my truck better than me. If i dont push them and tell them "you can go faster" or " no reason to slow down so much on that curve" they are going to continue to do it. Part of overcoming fears(and lets be honest everyone of us was scared starting out) is being pushed outside your comfort zone and seeing that "oh guess that wasnt to bad". And when is there a better time to be pushed outside your comfort zone than when you have someone who's done it right beside you?

    Im pretty sure the majority of trainers here like LIVING and arent going to have their students do something that is dangerous. Student may THINK its dangerous, but guess what it probably isn't hes just scared and nervous cuz hes never done it.
    StyxxNC and Steelersjunkie Thank this.
  10. Steelersjunkie

    Steelersjunkie Road Train Member

    May 26, 2016
    Fair enough.
  11. ImTakinHalf

    ImTakinHalf Light Load Member

    Sep 24, 2018
    I've just been going by the signs posted on the curves.

    I guess this is where the "getting it there" thing comes from. . Lol
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