Millis Transfer, Inc. - Black River Falls, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Beltster, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. ybenningz

    ybenningz Bobtail Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    conyers ga
    I worked # Millis Transfer from 06-09 and made good money there, south east region. I left because the miles fell off and the dispatcher Tom smh.....
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  3. Whitey14243

    Whitey14243 Medium Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Moreland, GA
    Ok just an update.... Still with Millis... Went through their school in Cartersville, GA and did very well on everything.. Teamed up with my Trainer and went 6 weeks out on the road and took my test for my license.. Passed... Then caught a ride with another driver up to Trenton, OH to pick my truck up. Have been solo for 2 months now. Everything is going pretty good... my truck has issues but its a work in progress.... when i picked the truck up the driver seat was broken and they proceeded to tell me it wasnt an safety issue and told me to go with the truck so i hauled my 1st solo run to Tampa FL and then was sent back up north and stopped in Cartersville, GA and asked them and was told it was a safety issue and truck couldnt be driven until seat was fixed... So i put it in the shop and was told they had to order a new driver i went home and returned the next morning to find the passenger seat in the drivers seat location...and had no passenger seat. It was like that until acouple weeks ago i finally got a new passenger seat installed... but the main problem im having with the truck is an electrical issue... I have had to have roadside come start the truck 4 times now because there seems to be some sort of short in the system... keep putting truck in shop but doesnt seem to be doing any good. as far as some info about them.. All students start out at .27 cpm....and if you reach your 3000 miles for the week then you get the bonuses and actually make .32 cpm for all miles ran..... but since my truck runs 62 i cant get 3K miles in a week... The truck is governed at 62mph but according to my gps i average 56 to 58 mph.... And it seems i have been doing alot of "HURRY UP AND WAIT" here lately..... I just keep taking it 1 day at a time and keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel... If anyone has questions about anything feel free to ask me.. I'll tell you everything like it is to the best of my ability. Thanks and Merry Christmas
  4. Slick63

    Slick63 Bobtail Member

    Nov 11, 2010
    Hillsdale, IN
    Don't you get .03 cpm after 2000 miles, .04 after 2500 and .05 after 3000 like the web site says? What kind of miles have you averaged in the last 2 months?
    thanks for the info.
  5. Whitey14243

    Whitey14243 Medium Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Moreland, GA
    Yes that is the pay for the miles.... so if i run 3000+ then i come out making .32 cpm for that week.... I have only ran 2600 as the most.. and that is running all 70 hours and not having anything for roll-overs... so it hurts when the truck will only run so fast and cant cover that distance like other drivers that can run the same miles and get there acouple hours sooner... But in due time i will have the speed increased on the truck. Over all i am satisfied with how its all coming along but then again... I havent been trucking long so cant really compare to
    Slick63 Thanks this.
  6. fixer9510

    fixer9510 Bobtail Member

    Mar 7, 2009
    Indianapolis Indiana
    i get sick of people like you you think you know it all but you dont
    i work for millis for 2 years and i have been driving for 20 so till you can stand in my shoes i think you need to back off:biggrin_25516:
  7. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007

    Who pissed in your wheaties?

    All I posted was for the poster to check on the posts the guy made and it will give him the information.

    I personally get sick of people like you as well, but I try to remain polite in helping them in the right direction.

    What makes you think I care how long you are driving and etc. I never even directed the comment to you.

    I would suggest you become a little more polite and grow up.
    sewerman Thanks this.
  8. fixer9510

    fixer9510 Bobtail Member

    Mar 7, 2009
    Indianapolis Indiana
    any one out there that thinks thy know ever thing than you need to try and drive your truck and leave the rest of us alone you all are a bunch of winee babys
  9. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    You also need to learn much.

    I do not understand why you are so upset.

    I never claimed to know anything about Millis, nor made a comment on them.

    Seems you have a big problem.
  10. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    Here is the post I made.

    The part in quote on the original post was from ANOTHER POSTER, NOT ME.

    My post was:
    If you do a check on all of his posts, you will have the information you need.
  11. fixer9510

    fixer9510 Bobtail Member

    Mar 7, 2009
    Indianapolis Indiana
    what ever enjoy your life
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