More annoying than Bam Bam.

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by Pigdude, Oct 13, 2024.

  1. Pigdude

    Pigdude Light Load Member

    Oct 8, 2021
    Anyone running central Missouri to central Kansas has heard this guy.

    it usually starts in the morning with mindless caterwauling. Sometimes he’ll get tired of that and go to a theramin. Occasionally he just whacks his Roger beep for a few hours.

    it goes on all day, every day. Always on 19, with no interaction, just noise.

    There’s not enough consistency to make me suspect software or mechanical means. Whatever is doing it is carbon based, and not as sophisticated as Bam Bam.

    The signal gets really strong around Arna, Kansas, the promptly gets weak as I go south.

    Anybody familiar with this one? Seems a lot of effort to disrupt a channel with nobody on it. lol.
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  3. Pigdude

    Pigdude Light Load Member

    Oct 8, 2021
    I was hearing that mess all the way to Little Rock this morning. He seems to be using a rubber chicken these days. I’m really just curious about what the story is. How and why does one devote so much time and effort to this really odd thing?
    Timin770 Thanks this.
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