Moving buildings and securement?

Discussion in 'Heavy Haul Trucking Forum' started by W923, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. NightWind

    NightWind Road Train Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    Sunny South, AL
    Heck fire some one needs to tell the folks here about chains and permits. Had a building go by the house the other day that took the whole road up. Dunno how tall be didn't have a chain strap nothing
    Feedman, Rugerfan, D.Tibbitt and 3 others Thank this.
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  3. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011

    With or without the OSB you can run lag bolts from the under belly up in to the floor joists. There has to be fasteners holding the OSB to the joists. Put the lag bolts in the same line where those fasteners are, that should be the joists.
    Take the picture I drew. That is the view underneath the house looking up. Use lag bolts not straight bolts.
    I used a straight bolt because I don't have a lag bolt, just to show washers.
  4. ElmerFudpucker

    ElmerFudpucker Road Train Member

    May 17, 2024
    I helped move a house about 30 years ago. It sat on beams like you have. But had two sets of tandem dollies that the beams sat on. But the house itself just sat on the beams. The house only went about 5 miles and it took most of the day to move it. Very slow and had to take down power lines as we went.
  5. xsetra

    xsetra Road Train Member

    Aug 21, 2011

    Picture is from my basement looking at underbelly of house.
    This is how the factory fastens house to frame. Washer can be any size or shape random thickness. Doesn't really matter as long as it holds.
  6. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    I think I will have one of the guys punch out some washers from 1/4x2 flat steel and do something like that
    blairandgretchen, Oxbow and cke Thank this.
  7. 07shaker

    07shaker Light Load Member

    Jan 12, 2013
    I’m in the portable building industry which sounds like that’s what you saw, they get straps over the skids and those are hard to see unless you’re up close looking under the building. There’s a few guys that throw straps over top of the whole shed but they’re the laughing stock of the industry.
  8. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    Funny you mention that, a farmer I worked for had a large grain bin moved about 12 miles as a military training exercise….he had pictures of the bin hanging from the helicopter as it approached its new home. It was probably in the 80s I can’t remember and don’t know that I ever knew…. Guess it’s all about who you know.
    Feedman, cke and Oxbow Thank this.
  9. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    So I ran the proposed route for the house move today with a pole at 17’-6” and only hit 4 wires 3 apear to be cable tv and one is a triplex service entrance….all were easily lifted with a fiberglass pole.
    D.Tibbitt, cke, Rugerfan and 1 other person Thank this.
  10. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    Can you drill holes horizontally in the beams and put in eye bolts to attach cable or strap hooks to?
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