DOT says fish is livestock, so I can join, right?
my boots are waders, and unloading is a matter of pulling the cam gate and letting the water / fish out. Which can be refreshing, especially at -30 in Calgary.
Loading can be routine, like pulling alongside a raceway, and pulling under the dewaterer and turning the fish pump driving onto the ice and across the lake in North Dakota to where they have the Buffalo fish corralled under the ice.
same with unloading. Sometimes just run to the trout plant and dump them in the holding tank. Sometimes take a small trailer to China Town and watch them carry them into the building one basket at a time. Not a boring job, that’s for sure.
Muck Boots 'n' Slickers - Life of a Livestock Hauler
Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Cattleman84, Jun 14, 2021.
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Hauled live turkeys for a few months. Learned to always wear a hat with the bill pointing forwards. And never have your mouth open when your looking up. Saw someone do that. Hehehe
NightWind, homeskillet, Dale thompson and 6 others Thank this.
NightWind, God prefers Diesels, not4hire and 13 others Thank this. -
Do you enjoy the feeling of warm pee hitting your neck, running down your back, through the crack of you butt down your leg and into your sock? Then not being able to shower for a day or two? Then pig hauling might be for you!
Buffalonytrucker92, NightWind, God prefers Diesels and 14 others Thank this. -
Other than that, they smell WAY better than pigs or turkeys.... until they die...NightWind, Blue jeans, bzinger and 1 other person Thank this. -
NightWind, Blue jeans, Coffey and 4 others Thank this.
We had some integrators we hauled for we weren't allowed out of the trailer. So have to stand under the dog house the whole time when they are bringing pigs upNightWind, God prefers Diesels, stwik and 7 others Thank this. -
I have no experience as a livestock hauler , but am here for the good stories . subscribed !
NightWind, God prefers Diesels, Woodys and 9 others Thank this. -
NightWind, God prefers Diesels, SL3406 and 9 others Thank this.
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