Muck Boots 'n' Slickers - Life of a Livestock Hauler

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Cattleman84, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. okiedokie

    okiedokie Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2011
    Hauling logs in the woods or moving a Ranchers/Ag product were the best jobs in trucking to me. Good people. Just to be on someones private land was a treat.
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  3. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    I never hauled livestock except in my old Featherlite 30 gooseneck but I appreciate the folks who do it full time. The guy who hauls my calves every year is worth every penny. In 30 years he's never missed a shipping day. My wife used to send him on his way with a loaf of banana nut bread and some home made jam. Now my daughter does the same thing. He says if we ever quit giving him baked goods we have to find another trucker.
  4. Cattleman84

    Cattleman84 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    The Sticks, Idaho
    Cookies... I used to pick up at a livestock auction where an older woman sometimes worked the loading chutes. If she liked you she would give you a couple homemade cookies as big as your hand.
    NightWind, Blue jeans, Tug Toy and 7 others Thank this.
  5. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    I agree the best part of the job is ridin into unseen country miles off the beaten path. Showing up year after year to load for the same family with the same trucks.

    The job has its down falls...such as showing up to haul the same calves year after year and you ask about someone that’s missing. Be it a farmer or one of the trucks and learn they have passed on.

    I never ask what a load is or where it’s going doesn’t do any good anyway. Loaded some dairy cattle after a going outta business sale. Old fella been in the dairy business his whole life, his father was before him. Told something about each ol cow as she went on the trailer. Or maybe her mother etc. That was the single hardest day I have ever had in this business. You could tell he had no idea what to do without the dairy.

    This is my favorite picture of the truck. Reason being is because it’s sitting in my driveway. A place it doesn’t see near enough.
  6. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    I never hauled livestock either but grew up on a farm with a step father that was a cow hauler which meant I got good at operating the Mexican backhoe AKA a shovel .
    Cleaning pens and the Merritt cattle pot....winter was even funner when all that poo froze and of course there was always snow to shovel as well.
    I dont care if I live in Vegas I will own a snowblower as long as I live .
  7. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    God bless all the bull haulers... U guys are a special breed and do a job most couldnt even dream of doing... Could count on 1 hand how many times i called out on the cb at a cattle pot and they didnt answer... Everytime i got the hood open in the truck stop and wrenching on something, if a cattle pot is near , theres most likely gonna be a feller walking over and lend a helping hand .. You guys are the class of the industry by far ... This industry could use more of those types of drivers.

    With all that said , i became a flatbedder because even bull haulers need heros !
  8. Isafarmboy

    Isafarmboy Road Train Member

    Jul 2, 2018
    Um? What makes a hero.. exactly? Being a good role model sounds better.
  9. lester

    lester Midwest's #1 Feed Hauler

    Jan 2, 2012
    NW, Iowa
    I miss pulling a pot. Just felt a little bit cooler cruising down the road with that trailer following me. Even some on the complete dipsticks I worked with brought themselves up a notch or two when pulling a pot
    NightWind, Blue jeans, Feedman and 6 others Thank this.
  10. Coffey

    Coffey Heavy Load Member

    May 14, 2019
    I been hauling pig for about 2 years now. only time I got hurt loading them is when a wild one ran outta the jail and straight to the ramp where I was at knocking Me clear to the bottom of it luckily the pig landed next to me and not on me.
    I only haul cattle a couple time just short hauls around 400 loaded miles but really enjoy doing it and seeing the view and meeting the people rising them
    Blue jeans, D.Tibbitt, bzinger and 5 others Thank this.
  11. Isafarmboy

    Isafarmboy Road Train Member

    Jul 2, 2018
    Hogs can be energetic things lol never know what to expect.
    Feedman, D.Tibbitt, bzinger and 4 others Thank this.
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