Muck Boots 'n' Slickers - Life of a Livestock Hauler

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Cattleman84, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Heavy Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    Theres a thread running on here about just the situation that caused this accident, and the guy that started the thread insists there is nothing wrong with blocking traffic with a truck. Here’s proof
    cke, pete781693, wore out and 4 others Thank this.
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  3. pete781693

    pete781693 Road Train Member

    Oct 23, 2010
    All I can see is jeez. Thankful you are ok and sorry to hear about your truck. You had that thing looking good and operating on the top shelf.
    cke, OLDSKOOLERnWV, wore out and 6 others Thank this.
  4. Dale thompson

    Dale thompson Road Train Member

    Nov 20, 2013
    commerce twp,mi
    . You will probably feel better in another month my guess from experience. Count your blessings there isn’t any fatalities that’s when it gets ugly (my experience) mostly make sure you don’t project your anger to the bride. Reach out if you need anything I’m happy to try and help.
    austinmike, MACK E-6, cke and 9 others Thank this.
  5. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    It’s funny all my adult life in some capacity I have done this. May have had drivers but got to pull a load from time to time. I’ve always said it’s not if but when if you do it long enough. Now my kids are on me every day to quit. Pull a hopper or something different I’m too old for this they say. I’m not opposed to other work I’ve done it before. Movin beef makes me no different but it’s what I do a piece of me.
    Things that changed me about this deal…calling my wife at 530 in the morning to tell her it happened but I’m ok.
    Going on the trailer with a choker 35 times to drag the dead off.
    Knowing that the other driver didn’t set out to put anyone on their side and I had to forgive it.
    Leaving that truck in Dodge then showing up to get it. Just the feel in the air.
    Knowing it was it before hitting him, I was squared up with his cab but no way on gods green earth was I hitting him there. We steered left to hit the trailer, I can square up on anything except human life.

    That woman of mine just says she’s on her way. Drove from Tuckerman Arkansas to Dodge City all but straight through. I could see the look on her face too. I’m just not ready.

    That ol black heap came to me at a not so great time. It was ugly and I hate a black Peterbilt. I needed a truck and could afford that one. In 91 it was the nicest thing they made. Little at a time I just kept pluggin away, some things like the 8’s with picket elbows I had never liked but ended up really liking on that truck. Flat cut tops being another example. It always left me an out. We won our share of wee nee measuring contest. Being honest in the seat of that truck is where I accepted the good Lord. I hade made it into exactly what I wanted it to be a little at a time while working it. I had a little phrase “long hood take us home” when we started for the barn. I honestly thought I’d look over that ######## the rest of my life. That one was more than a truck I counted on it, it was every bit a part of me. Seeing what was coming there was absolutely no fear at all. I never felt the impact but heard it. Then heard it hit the ground. I hit softly on my back then Doc hit me. After bouncing off the passenger seat. I just put my arms around him and waited for it to stop. Reach up and killed it and stepped out the windshield. It’s takes more than pulling a cattle pot to call one a cow truck, and it’s not in their look or a big engine etc. a few of them trucks just have that swagger. I’m proud to owned one.

    Gus offered me his truck, we looked at countless and the possibilities. He has talked to me all night to keep me from twisting off or taking it out on her. He has kept the secret I asked him to keep. The fear of not being able to bring it home was the worst part. We left together we needed to come home together. That’s 2 I’ve wrecked. Not great. First one and only I’ve had on its side. Idk the point to all this rambling is friends I’m glad to have them. Jim found the brown truck, when I flew to get it he give me a place to stay for the night. I can’t say how much that was appreciated not wading into the unknown alone.

    I won’t post pictures but when I tell you this truck is bad it is. The right side is obliterated just gone. Knocked all the glass out every piece. Except the right wing glass and frame. The turbos took the force of the fall. A tire chaining the axle in place due to a broke leaf spring and pulling the cross bar straighter with a chain. As well as capping off turbo oil lines it pulled itself off the trailer. Backed itself in the shop so idk what the future holds. Now the only thing the brown truck needs is right wing glass pivot is broke on bottom so it’s glued in. I may be a stupid m’fer but what’s that mean? The right is what skidded down the road. Explain to me how that happens. The only good piece is the only piece I need?
    I just can’t feel good about it. Sorry for the book
    austinmike, NightWind, cke and 16 others Thank this.
  6. pete781693

    pete781693 Road Train Member

    Oct 23, 2010
    Thank you for sharing all of that. It takes a man to experience what you went through and then not try and blame the other driver. I am glad Gus was available to help, he is a true friend indeed. I really hate this happened to you and thankful that you and Doc were able to walk out alive. You are also blessed to have you wife as your life partner.

    It’s also a blessing that Jim happened to know where a decent ride could be found. Now I fully understand what was going on when you posted the first picture of the truck.

    I understand the addiction to hauling beef. With all of the other things I have done in my life, and having been out of a truck full time since 1984, I still tell people that I am a livestock relocator on a long term sabbatical. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about being in that old Pete. My practical side and my appreciation of my wife keeps me working at my predictable 4 day a week job.

    As I have said before, I live vicariously through you, Gus, and the rest of this group. It sucks that Gus was banned from this site as he for sure could keep it real when required and imaginative when needed.
    JolliRoger, cke, Coffey and 12 others Thank this.
  7. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Dang. I hate that that happened to you but I'm glad you and Doc are okay. And I'm glad you've got a good woman for a wife, too.

    I didn't realize an angel's wings were strong enough to carry a Peterbilt, but now we all know.
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
    austinmike, JolliRoger, cke and 11 others Thank this.
  8. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Heavy Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    You better believe God can drive a truck. Sometime ago, I had gotten myself in a financial bind, truck engine blew up, amongst other things, and although I had a full-time job, I got another gig pulling reefer at night. (Paper logs) Generally, it worked out that if I left on the truck immediately after work, I could usually hit my drop over in Ohio or down in Kentucky or wherever they had sent me and be home in time to go back to work in the morning. they rarely sent me two runs back to back, so I’d catch my sleep the following night. Yeah, I know young and dumb. One week, they shove me two loads back to back, and being young and full of vinegar, I told him I’d be able to take them. My wife wasn’t very cracked on the idea, but I’d run hard before, and never had a problem with it, so she said fine she’d call before she went to bed. well, you guys know how that works. The trailer wasn’t loaded on schedule, so I didn’t get to leave quite as early as I was hoping, but it still wasn’t terrible. I had enough of time that the rest of the night click like clockwork, I would’ve been home for work at about 7:30 AM. I made it to about 2:30 AM and man did I get tired. I’ve been tired before but never like that. I mean we’re talking gritting my teeth tired. The Tony Justice song 18 Wheels and Jesus kept running through my head over and over, and I bowed my head rolling down the road and just prayed that God would guide my hands on that steering wheel. I had a wonderful bride and 3 sons at home, and I wanted to see them again. Coffee or any other caffeine wouldn’t touch it, so I pulled over to run up and down the shoulder of the highway. Even that didn’t work, the stretch of road I was on didn’t even have a truck stop for almost hour long stretches so I couldn’t even watch fuel price to stay awake. I knew we had a full schedule the following day at work, so I couldn’t squeeze in late. Anyway, that fatigue lasted for about an hour, then I kinda woke back up, and made my drop and hook on time. Headed home, it struck me, you know what, that stretch of 67 where I was so tired winds a bit, and never once did I hit the rumble strips. Gained about an hour on the clock, so hit a ramp for a snooze at around 6. After my nap, called my wife to tell her where I was. She asked if I had fought sleep, so I said yes, and asked why she asked. She said around 2-2:30 she woke up, and was freaked out that I would fall asleep and wreck. She said she didn’t want to call in case I had just pulled over for a snooze, so she just prayed hard that God would keep me awake. I got goosebumps, and no one will ever convince me that God wasn’t holding that wheel that night. And holding my eyes open. I know not everyone is religious, but I believe if it wasn’t for that prayer, I easily could have cracked up,that night.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  9. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Heavy Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    And I am not condoning trying to run that long on no sleep, but believe me, watching a nearly empty checking account is a powerful,motivator to take extreme action!
    austinmike, JolliRoger, cke and 8 others Thank this.
  10. Deere hunter

    Deere hunter Road Train Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    Shallowater Texas
    @wore out keep the faith, God has a plan. Thank you for putting feeling into words. Something im not very good at. The word says be thankful in all things. Sometimes that takes forever. But you are still with us, and sharing your wisdom. To that we are grateful recipients.
    JolliRoger, dwells40, cke and 8 others Thank this.
  11. wore out

    wore out Numbered Classic

    Jun 5, 2013
    Thigpens office and chute.

    Some places in the world never get old to see. The Triangles is another one
    JolliRoger, dwells40, cke and 8 others Thank this.
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