My Experience as a Line Haul Driver

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by American-Trucker, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. lv gn

    lv gn Heavy Load Member

    Jun 23, 2008
    las vegas nv.
    You out of Vegas ?
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  3. cool35

    cool35 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    I will say YRC is a better place to work than CWF from what I've heard and read (working conditions). The problem is that YRC is not stable. Always talking about lay offs or not working us. I don't blame ACH for looking for another job. I went through the CF shutdown in 1999 and I went the Yellow Freight disaster in 2007. Now it is starting to happen at Reddaway. I think I'm done with LTL. Why move all over the country just so I can work for YRC. Think I'll go to ODFL or Estes. They don't seem to be having much of a problem out here. My Reddaway isn't union anyway. Really no reason for me to wait to get laid off.
    ACH1130 Thanks this.
  4. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Yes its gotten slow and gets busy. I stuck it out during the slow time. As of now it's slow again, but two dock guys are becoming drivers and now that bumps us all down. We don't even have enough tractors, at times we have been using the road units which they don't like us doing but got no choice. If the dock guys weren't becoming drivers then I would be able to stay.
  5. misterG

    misterG Road Train Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    ask my dispatcher
    ACH, that right there is the problem with the seniority base behind unions.
    At my employer, the drivers load their own trucks, and the dock loaders cannot drive, as part of the contract.
    To become a driver, the dock workers have to apply for the position (like any other person), and would only be hired if one was available to fill.
  6. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    That's union for you. Just got out of a union. It has it good and bad. Alot of people started on the dock then get their cdl thru the company then bump someone off a bid and never run extra board. A noob driver will make more money than me and have a great bid. All cause of company seniority. Even though I have 6yrs exp. That just doesn't sit right with me. A janitor who say worked there 15yrs can get a cdl and bump any driver below 15yrs. This was foodservice but pretty sure it's the same deal other places I think. My current LTL is non union so if you go P&D to linehaul you go to bottom of board but you keep your time in service pay. In my eyes that's more fair then somebody that can do what he feels like a jump back and forth. There would be drivers in foodservice that would jump back in warehouse took the job they want cause they didn't want to run mountains in the winter then jump back in the spring. F'n Lame!!!
  7. CenutryClass

    CenutryClass Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    No, Reno...
  8. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    I do not agree with the whole bumping down experienced drivers with non-experienced. The two are only driving because they were bumped from the dock when a closeby terminal was shut down and they came here... They should know how it feels though being bumped and now bumping down 7 different people, laying off 2 possibly 3... I was told one is getting his license sooner and they were gonna give him my tractor and put me in a straight truck, which I refused and eventually got to win that so I will stay with my tractor. Make the new drivers drive that truck.

    Well anyways see what happens soon with new job, if I get it or whatever. Also maybe we should take the YRC/Union discussion back to the YRC thread lol
  9. cool35

    cool35 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    I agree that the dock guys shouldn't be able to bump a driver. If they want to be a driver they should start at the bottom, union or not!
  10. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Yes they should have to start at the bottom, doesn't make sense to bump the experienced guys down for a rookie driver
  11. losttrucker

    losttrucker Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    Last man out turn out the lights please.........................
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