Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by skateboardman, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    actually ach, if you having driving experience of 3 years and are 25 and own your tractor, mercer will lease you own and provide a securment training class.
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  3. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    well today, i slept in. got up had breakfast, it was free at the petro , thanks to service in the military. drove to jackson, ms.

    i stopped there and made my supper of potatoes, a vidalia onion, red yellow and green sweet peppers and a smoked sausage. chopped all up and placed in a burton oven, should be ready between hattiesburg and mobile, then i will let cool and stop and eat in mobile.

    a very easy relaxing day, i dont deliver til friday morning. i do my logs with eclipse on laptop, no qualcomm, no electronic logs. its one of the perks of owning your truck i guess , traffic has been very light today.
    Logan76, whoopNride and djtrype Thank this.
  4. DEMO

    DEMO Money Bags

    Mar 6, 2012
    Orlando, FL
    Are you going back out I-75? Maybe we can meet up, I should be in Lakeland Fri. If your going 1-4 to 95
  5. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    it is quite possible, demo. if i dont load i will go home for the weekend, and i may well go that way. i will post thurs. its thats happening
    DEMO Thanks this.
  6. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Sounds good. I have about 2 years experience and a 23. I always wanted to own my own rig as well, thats the only way I would ever go OTR, this way I can bring my dog and my gf anytime. I work for an LTL carrier now, its a good job, union and everything. SOme issues but thats at every job lol. I would look into mercer in 2 more years but like I said before my dads friend is getting me an even better job than I have now... All my friends ive told have all dropped jaws and even asked me to get them in lol. Still union so I can put my time in and be able to retire young and do what ever I want after. By then I would want to own my own rig and go OTR, would like to do flatbed or even heavy haul if able too.
  7. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Honest question here, not being a smart arse. Back when I ran back and forth across I-10 in the panhandle of Florida I would stop daily at the T/A in Marianna and it seemed to me I would always see a handful of Mercer guys camped out, and for days at a time(actually counted nearly 5 days for a few of them). Were these guys just financially set enough to sit and wait for something good to come along, or is/was freight really dead in that area?
  8. DEMO

    DEMO Money Bags

    Mar 6, 2012
    Orlando, FL
    Looks like a no go for me. Got a OD load going to Jacksonville that delivers at 9am. Daylight driving only so I have to leave now. Another time... I'll buy..:biggrin_25519:
  9. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Hey Skate, Thanks for your service, glad to hear you and quite a few other's got a free breakfast.

    I talked to a Universal O/O in port newark last week I helped him roll his tarps, he said he lived in florida and was starving at Universal. I told him that alot of people have said good things about Mercer.
  10. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    logan76, i was with a universal company mason-dixon before i came here, enough said about that.

    trashtrucker, we have lots of stuff coming out of panama city and some guys will sit and wait on certain loads. if someone sat there for 5 days either he was at home or waiting on a certain load out of panama city or possibly eglin, unless that was in 2008 when the economy tanked for sure. i bet some of those had those huge sleepers. as far as finance wise, it depends on the individual, i did 200k first year and actually ahead of that this year. but it all depends on the individual. see, i only average 2000 to 2200 miles a week , its a plan of the most revenue for the least amount of miles ran.

    today i did 610 miles, 40 miles from delivery at 7 in the am, uneventful day, just a normal day, down us 49,us98 and i-10 and us19. another day at the office.
    whoopNride Thanks this.
  11. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    well delivered in tampa at 7 am. my dad had to go to a nursing home last time i was home, loads were cheap out of florida so i am deadheading home 380 miles to visit my dad and reloading monday in the town in ga where he lives and going to kansas.

    a normal week in the trucking world, the week from friday til friday ended up with 2400 miles loaded and empty, 4880.00 gross for the week on a 21,000 pound load and a 9,000 pound load, one was tarped. after fuel, fixed expenses of 75.00 a day(ins. truck payment, trl payment, apu payment ) , put back for maintennace of 75.00 a day , and eats and other expenses , i was left with 2400.00 for the 7 days.

    as i said a normal week, i am happy, like what i do, and the family has roof over their head for another week.
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