Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by skateboardman, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Im guessing your an owner-operator. Like said I would do it one day, glad your sharing the experience. is that 2400 profit into your pocket or is that after the other expenses... Because if its all profit thats really sweet. I really hope your dad is ok there

    Just found out from my dads friend I will be doing a little of everything if he gets me the new job. They have flatbeds, lowboys, water trucks, pretty much everything(construction wise). Might have to learn to tarp if needed, but Im sure he would have no problem showing me one day.
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  3. DEMO

    DEMO Money Bags

    Mar 6, 2012
    Orlando, FL

    Is your truck a blue KW?
  4. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Do they have an age limit over at mercer?

    If I ever buy my own truck I would stick where I'm at, guys are doing around the same as you here (we only have 4 or 5 O/O's) but I've chated with my boss and he said if I ever want to I was welcome to stay there as an O/O.
  5. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    demo, yes i do have a blue kw. you must have seen me in the tampa area? i delivered two hospital construction sites there friday.

    well , i deadheaded home to check on my dad. he is getting around better, but his mind isnt that great, possibly alzheimers, but we wont know about that for a couple more weeks.

    anyways loaded some aircraft items 40 miles from home, had to tarp the crates, a little warm for that, but 4 foot tarps aren't that bad.

    headed to wichita area, 15,000 pounds of parts in wooden crates( the dreaded wooden crates) , got two straps on each crate ,8 total.

    just a normal everyday flatbed load, nothing dramatic or hard to handle, just routine freight. i would post pics but i dont know how, do i have to put them on a photobucket or something like that? if someone would tell me how , i will put pictures with the storybook.

    stopped right now putting on 2 steer tires bridgestone 287a, my national acct price 426 each out the door. the old yokohama's had split in one spot about 5 inches long in a tread and the rubber was loose all around the split, i caught it in a walk around after i loaded drove 40 miles to the t/a , i decided to replace both in a set, a shame these were about 55 per cent tread.

    i deliver wednesday, 1082 mile trip, 1042 to go.
  6. DEMO

    DEMO Money Bags

    Mar 6, 2012
    Orlando, FL
    I past you on I-75. I was southbound you were NB. Past you just North of the scales, about 2pm Fri. I remember you talking about your lift axle on your spread, that's what made me think it was you. Sorry to hear about your Dad.
  7. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    yep that was me , the jokers even weighed me at the scales with an empty flatbed.
    DEMO Thanks this.
  8. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven

    no, we got lots of old guys here, lol
    rockyroad74, Ruthless and whoopNride Thank this.
  9. whoopNride

    whoopNride Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    Now thats funny rite there.

    Good to know they dont discriminate against Old Broke Down Bass Turds.....LOL!!!
  10. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Too be honest if they are capable of doing the job, getting it done right, and they pass a DOT exam, why not? Chances are they got more experience driving then the younger guys like myself.
  11. DC804

    DC804 Light Load Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    Richmond, VA
    A Mercer flatbed deliver a load of pipe to my job in Richmond Va...nice driver that had a white black dog in the truck.
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