Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by skateboardman, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. TennMan

    TennMan Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2011
    Hazzard County Jail !!!!!
    How does mercer loads work? do you pick your own freight ? is it percentage? do you have to rent their trailer? or purchase their trailer? Qualcomm? thanks for the thread
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  3. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    We always look at the net fuel cost. It is okay to pay in at the end of the year if you are getting a better price on your fuel all year long. I have designed spreadsheets that allow us to upload our daily pricing report and compare all stops along a route at net fuel cost.
  4. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven

    we have both a loadboard you access and a coordinator that will help you also, you still decide if you want a load or not, its entirely up to you.

    its a percentage pay 75 per cent

    if ya dont have a trl , you can lease one. it is not a rental, if you pay out the lease its yours. \\

    NO QUALCOMM paper logs or you can use a laptop log program. you make a check call once a day and call in empty or loaded , thats it.
  5. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven

    i used to look at net fuel cost when i did my ifta , i tired to spend the least on fuel and if i paid some tax , so be it, if my overall cost between fuel and ifta was lower.

    i went last year buying fuel wherever the pump price was cheapest for me , since i didnt have to pay the tax, and was surprised when it worked out so close.
  6. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    delivered in columbia, sc mon. loaded in columbia, tuesday, delivered near arab,al wed, reloaded in bessemer, al wed to deliver in crawfordsvill, in thurs . no problems, used 4 straps tues and 7 straps today. just another couple of loads.

    ahead of target on revenue per mile so far, try to keep it up this week. i wish there was something more exciting to type, but this is just everyday no problem, just making money and ridin. it what happens when ya been at it a while.
    whoopNride Thanks this.
  7. Polarbear857

    Polarbear857 Light Load Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Coatesville pa
    So they work alot like landstar? What kind of trailer payment do you have and im assuming you're responsible for maintenance.
  8. Shadowed

    Shadowed Light Load Member

    Jun 16, 2007
    Northern Wisconsin
    Yes and no.. More so no.. Mercer has asigned load coordinators that are there to assist you. Alomost like a middle man or in my case women between you and eveyone else. Mercer also pays all fuel tax no matter where you fuel. Mercer also has a first in first out load system that is very hard to get around. Meaning a guy that has been there a week has the same shot at a good load as a guy that has been there 10 years depending on who gets unloaded first and driver preferences set in the system. I believe the new trailers are 600 to 650 a month but you can lease on your own too and yes you are responsible for maintenance.
    figured I would answer your question since skateboardman is busier then me today.:biggrin_25512: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. CTRL+F5 reloads the whole page.
    whoopNride Thanks this.
  9. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven

    join in anytime, shadowed. any comments on this thread are appreciated, just trying to give a different perspective than many of these threadsgive
  10. skateboardman

    skateboardman Road Train Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    flatbed heaven
    well, delivered in indiana. saw a load delivering at the naval station in belle chasse, la where my daughter is stationed. delivers monday, kind of affects the revenue somewhat, but i get to see my granddaughter. pretty good trade.

    and to add to what shadowed posted,

    you also have an assigned payroll person, your own log person , and when you lease own they give you your permits in a notebook that has your cab card, truck and leases in front and the rest in alphabetical order. makes it easy, not like most places that give you everything in a pile and say have at it.

    they basically are nice folks.
  11. Polarbear857

    Polarbear857 Light Load Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Coatesville pa
    No complaints? Thats good ill have to check them out. Do they have an age requirment for equiptment.
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