My experience with A&R Transport BEGINS...

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Cutty1107, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Yeah we do alright, I just started here a month ago but a good friend of mine has worked here awhile and reccomended it to me. the money is pretty good and the work is really easy.

    the equipment all is very well maintained which is a nice change from where I was working before.
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  3. Cutty1107

    Cutty1107 Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Columbus, Ohio
    Yea ok I had thought about them awhile back then I see them alot over there now.. How far u guys,travel out?
  4. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    we do most of our running in OH,MI,PA,IL,IN,NY,MD

    I'm home every weekend.
  5. Cutty1107

    Cutty1107 Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Columbus, Ohio
    Thats not bad.... Stay out more if you want? All u have to do is unload? % or cpm?
  6. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    it pays us percentage, pretty much everyone's home on the weekends.

    yeah we just have to unload, hook up a wet line and change our fittings around in the back of the trailers, then just fire the bad boy up and let it rip.
  7. Cutty1107

    Cutty1107 Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Columbus, Ohio
    Ok that sounds pretty easy... You do tank work before fox?
  8. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    yeah, I ran vaccum tank haul frac water and I ran some chemical tank at my last job.
  9. Cutty1107

    Cutty1107 Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    Columbus, Ohio
    Oh yea you def got experience then... I also heard chem tank pays great too... I dont have hazmat no more though..
  10. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    I didnt do much of it, I was a flat bed driver, I mainly just loaded tanks in pittsburgh when they got really busy and took them back to the yard, or did some short local non hazmat stuff...

    I renewed my hazmat here recently, but to be honest I have no desire to mess around anything hazmat again, I hauled some poison's in a van trailer and some dangerous when wet stuff...

    it's a pain to haul that stuff, and the money the place I worked paid wasnt worth it, I was paid better for them draging around a flatbed than doing anything with a placard on it...
  11. pawnature

    pawnature Bobtail Member

    May 27, 2009
    Louisa, KY
    I am a system driver out of Columbus. I came back August 2012 after having worked there before. Had to have open heart in November and will be returning the 15th of this month (March). Pissed though, Jake gave my truck away. I know other guys that were off for awhile and their truck was waiting on them when they got back. Will just have to wait and see what he comes up with. But they are a good company to work for and Columbus is one of the better terminals to work out of.
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