My Experience with Lone Star Transportation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by American-Trucker, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    Its cake. The secret is to control your breathing and you will control your heartbeat.
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  3. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    Alright, I should be fine since the job I have now is very physically demanding. Just walking up stairs kills me haha
  4. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    I ended up sitting in Corpus on Tuesday until 1630.. then was told to just head to San Antonio to hit the shop. I got checked in about 1930 but they couldn't get to me... I opted to stay in the truck at the T/A down the road on I10 to save a buck and returned Wednesday morning to get her worked on. They got done at 1800ish... 10 hours of shop pay.. not bad.. so I headed BACK to the T/A where I sat until Friday. I finally got orders to head to Laredo at 1500ish to get a scraper bowl destined for Decatur for a Monday morning delivery. Hopefully I won't get a load that returns me to Texas. When I submit my permit route I might ask if theres a chance I might get a load that don't return me to Texas.. seems we ALL sit when we're there. When I was ordered to Laredo it was via a forwarded email which included all the trucks sitting in S. Texas and there were at least 10 of us needing loads. Rediculous!
  5. mg1224

    mg1224 Light Load Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    Western South East
    My truck decided to take a dump on me yesterday. Rolling through PA on the turnpike smelled coolant and low coolant light came on all at once pulling a hill. Pulled over and it was empty in the 2 min it took me to get to a pull off. Pete in Youngstown, OH thinks the head gasket let go. Looked like it was blowing out one of the turbos to me. Anyway, sat on the side of the road for 6 hours waiting for the tow truck. Pete and cat are closed til Monday. I think its an omen. I was on my way to Gainesville to turn my truck in to go to a local job.
  6. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    man,i just talked to another guy in Laredo thats leaving too... people seem to be leaving in droves.
  7. mg1224

    mg1224 Light Load Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    Western South East
    I don't know. Mine has nothing to do with Lonestar. I just have a new wife and bahy that want me at home and a job making similar money that will let me be home. I don't really want to leave...just where I'm at right now in my life.
    DrtyDiesel Thanks this.
  8. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    Good on you and congrats with the new wife and baby..

    I haven't left, lol.. I'm just chillin out at home watching playoff hockey all weekend. My dispatcher is supposed to give me a call tomorrow and let me know where I'm headed for tuesday morning.
  9. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    Im jealous. I haven't seen ONE SINGLE Red Wings game yet since the cup started. I have my satellite dish up but their games are not played on the NHL channels and i'm too cheap to buy the NHL package... its by my own choosing.. but still... I generally sit at the bar and watch nearby my house where I spend just as much as the NHL package but in beer. Money better spent IMHO.
  10. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    What?!?!?! Another Redwings fan? Alright! Ill have to put my Lidstrom sweater in the truck. I haven't seen too many games this year, but since its the playoffs that's all I've be watching. Detroit got whooped last night and abdelkater has been suspended for two games, which is really going to hurt the series, especiallh since were now behind 2-1 in the series.

    If you can get NBCS you can see a lot of the playoff games since the NBC sports network now has a contract with the NHL to show regular season and half of the playoff games.
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  11. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    I grew up in the "D" so its all i know! No NBC tho... I cant get those networks on directv out of the DFW region... and over air antenna is lackluster at best. But I do ave the app at least!

    Surprise, Surprise. Back to Houston, again.
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