My Experience with Lone Star Transportation

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by American-Trucker, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    I get to pick up in Springfield, OR tomorrow then heading down to Port Hueneme, CA. But ill probably drive up to the Eugene area today, just so I don't have to drive 3hrs through the mountains first thing in the morning.
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  3. AZS

    AZS Honk if anything falls off

    Sep 30, 2010
    PHX, AZ
    Just got a load too, pick up tomorrow in Brawley, CA going to Dallas. Onions..this will be a first.
  4. mg1224

    mg1224 Light Load Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    Western South East
    Well, the truck is out of the shop with a new turbo. Getting up early AM to head over to creve couer to load for Holt in Autin. After I deliver that I'll be deadheading to Gainesville.
  5. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    Good luck to ya, bro. Be sure to check in often on us so you can see what your missin'.

    Onions are easy really. When loading be sure to put a 4x4 if you have them at each end to tilt the pallets towards the center of the trailer. They must be tarped but leave the ends open as onions generate their own heat in numbers. And, that onion joint your taking it to in Dallas is TIGHT to maneuver in. Watch for the rebar in the curb.. itll blow a tire. Trust me.. thankfully there was a goodyear truck tire service center next door tho! Thats a long deadhead for a load that probably don't pay all that much. Welcome back to the Laredo, Decatur, Houston loop though. lol.
    AZS Thanks this.
  6. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    Any of you guys know the size of the exhaust clamp that goes from the last flex pipe to the Y pipe? Mines not even clamping down on it at the Y pipe can freely move inside the clamp which is causing a small exhaust leak, and going into California I don't want to be dinged for something that stupid.
  7. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    If I had to blindly guess, I'd say it'd probably be 5"...but I haven't seen your truck or its exhaust. Use a tape measure and check the diameter.
  8. DieselDog81

    DieselDog81 Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2012
    Between here and there
    Yeah, I was just thinking about that and trying to find a circumference to diameter conversion. Since I'm only able to check the circumference of it.. or would a call into maintenance be better? Its easy enough to fix here in the parking lot. But I'm just not sure if they'd reimburse me.
  9. Pedigreed Bulldog

    Pedigreed Bulldog Road Train Member

    May 7, 2011
    They are roughly $15 and only take a 9/16" wrench (or deep socket) to install. Some companies are more strict with their "drivers not allowed to wrench on the trucks" rules than others. Allegedly where I'm at now, drivers aren't supposed to turn a wrench on company equipment but more often than not when I pull their trailer in to one of their shops they hand me the parts and send me on my way if they can't get to me in a timely manner...while other companies I'd face "disciplinary actions" if I did any wrench turning on their equipment. Your best bet would be to contact the company and find out if it'd be OK if you just bought the clamp, installed it, and sent in the receipt for reimbursement or if they'd rather pay a shop to do the job.
  10. QBall3577

    QBall3577 Medium Load Member

    Nov 24, 2008
    Fort Worth, TX
    Personally I've sucked up a few minor fixes cash wise because I'd rather not sit in the shop waiting 5 or 6 hours on a 20 minute fix... But technically we're not supposed to mess with them. That simple and quick a fix I would just do that and save the receipt for a write-off. That's just me though.
  11. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Hello just got approved with LS. Should start mid July! Can anyone tell me what is it like! I am new to flatbed. What kind of money are you making? What is the normal stay out. And good are they about getting you home I live in central Texas? How long do you stay at home and do they pressure you to come back early? All info will be helpful in my making my final decision. Trying to decide between LS and Schneider National O/O lease!
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