My Experience with phase 1

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Cloudyday, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. Cloudyday

    Cloudyday Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Allentown, Pa
    I waited for my phase 1 trainer to pick me up for about 2 days. My trainer was a company driver with 11 years at CRE. He was not happy with the company at the time of my training. Training was 21 days/15000 miles at the time.

    Things I did not like about my phase 1 training.

    1. Trainer did not train. Maybe sat in passengers seat a total of 3 hours during my entire training.

    2. He only had me back a total of two times during training. (supposed to be 15 min).

    3. Trainer was fighting with his DM and kept quitting and refusing loads. We sat a lot.

    4. Trainer said that england would contact us when I was ready for upgrade. I was kept on truck for 5 weeks and it was supposed to be 21 days at the time.

    5. Truck interior was very dirty, trainer was a hoarder.

    Things I liked about phase 1:

    1. When I finally got back to school I was able to pass upgrade and was ready for next phase. And this was what it was all about anyway.
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  3. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    To me the biggest mistake these mega carriers make is that they hire just about anyone that a half decent MVR,and can pass a drug test. After these company schools weed out the drug users, liars, and others I woulod guess that probably 50% of those that made it that far should never drive a truck.Alot of newbies think that this a regular 8-5 job(LOL!)I don't know what needs to be done, but these mega carriers should be required by law to do more research, and have higher hirring standards. Best of luck to all of you, I drove a cab over twenty something years ago, and I don't think I would want to get back in today.
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