My Expierence at CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by gt4jk, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. runnwild

    runnwild Light Load Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Twin Falls, Idaho
    How long ago did you finish? Which location? Are you going solo or teams? If solo, did you get a truck already?
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  3. ScubaDM2011

    ScubaDM2011 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    I have had a great 2 months so far with england. if you come to the school and work hard you will succeed, the people who are posting these negative forums are people who got to school dicked around and failed And blae the school
    zdutch1 Thanks this.
  4. crzyjarmans

    crzyjarmans Road Train Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    I didnt go to there school, but i have seen there lease agreement, but I can tell you for fact!!, there are most definitly the bottom of the barrell,There lease's are set up for the company to make money and not the driver, Had a cat first seat driver show me he was making $700. a week with a cat 2nd seat, Running team mile for $700. a week?, If you think thats great pay?, By all means have at it, I do a lot better than that running far less miles, Im not An O/O anymore, just drive someone else's truck, I run about 2800 miles a week and clear around $1000. a week, Any England drivers that claims that, PM me, Ill prove what Im saying as long as you prove it, No word of mouth, I wany real proff, let me see it on the settlement
  5. runnwild

    runnwild Light Load Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Twin Falls, Idaho
    I've been through basic training, I don't see how this could be even be as close to tough as that was. I'm packed and ready. C.R. England was not my first choice and I hear the horror stories on the net, but I truly believe that a lot of these people go there expecting to be treated as royalty when in fact you need to PROVE you want this bad enough to put up with their "sh*#" as I've heard it called. Go in with your mind set on doing what you're expected to do, maybe more, but nothing less.
    zdutch1 Thanks this.
  6. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    You've gone through school and Phase1 ... get through Phase2, get in truck and then let us know how you did.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  7. gt4jk

    gt4jk Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2008

    Hey Sorry that I didn't reply sooner, I don't get on the net often.
    But It's already been answered below your post


    NO! They dont do forced leasing , From all the drivers that I've talked to and including my exp. You don't have to lease a truck, You can happily wait for a company solo truck at your house or if you are lucky get one or if you are able to persuade them to make a solo truck available ASAP

    You Won't Be asked until Phase 1 Upgrade/2 Upgrade, Just a simple yes or no will do, they'll give their spill about the lease program and after the end you just say no thanks and be on your way.


    Heya, I average about 887 a week / 3154 Miles (yes I had some bad weeks but I had some great weeks to) that comes about .28 CPM, I'm SOLO! (Only way a solo lease driver with CRE can make over 1000 is either 9MPG+ with 3000 Mi Week OR Does like me and forget to scan a trip or two the previous week) but I'm going to stab at the training portion and see how well it goes for me. I should average about 1750$ a week(This is roughly the min avg, the high avg would be 2000K @ 8MPG+)

    Hope all is well, I'm certainly doing well so far. No Accidents :)

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
  8. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    The fundamental issue here is the pay. No matter how you cut it CRE is among the lowest pay for solo O/O ... not any better for a trainer either. The problem with your business is your income vs your fixed cost ... you simply cannot afford to take any significant time off. You cannot afford for your truck to be down for any significant time.

    The problem is your potential income at best equals your fixed cost. Your potential miles in week will not generate enough revenue to cover back expenses.

    I run for Swift ... stack up my last 4 weeks against your potential with the same miles.

    Week 1 6 day week 3028 miles - $1215 net / CRE about $750
    Week 2 4 day week 2068 miles - $749 net / CRE about $150
    Week 3 7 days off 0 miles - $656 negative / CRE $823 negative
    Week 4 7 day week 3076 miles - $805 net* / CRE about $70 negative
    * The $805 is after covering the negative from the previous week

    Total - I took home $2769 over the last 4 weeks and I took 11 days off/ CRE running the same miles, taking the same time off with your fixed cost of $823 ... you'll take home between nothing or less to maybe a $100.

    Now want some frosting with the cake ... CRE requires $.07 a mile in a maintenance account that is untouchable by you without CREs appoval and then can only be used for maintenance on the truck. My nets are after putting $.10 a mile in a voluntary maintenance account. Unlike CRE the account is mine I have direct access to any or all of the funds anytime.
  9. Princesspeach

    Princesspeach Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    how is CR England for female drivers? I am thinking about signing on with them. I was told I had to lift 75 pounds to my waist..Can I? lol
  10. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    Probably like most of them. My Wife and others have survived so far.
  11. Swindled

    Swindled Bobtail Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Roaming, US
    Well, CRE was not a good experience here. Lack of miles, lease program is a sham, training is done through the Dumb and Dumber concept. Management is none existent and the Log department will falsify your logs for you!

    Good luck. Avoid K & B Transportation as well.
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