My Expierence at CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by gt4jk, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. 19MT70

    19MT70 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2013
    I needed a way to get my CDL while at least getting a minimal paycheck as I simply couldn't stand the employer abuse I was getting as a correctional officer for the State of Texas anymore. England was the only company that even got back to me after putting in an application that met that minimal paycheck requirement. Is England the land of milk and honey? Heck no and I realized that on day 1 at school in Waxahachie. However they got me my CDL and I can drive company for a year before moving on to other options. Long story short I fail to see how I'm some idiot that made a poor choice among the options I had at the time.
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  3. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I would tell my phase 1 students to start looking for work as soon as they finish the phase 1 upgrade part. My student from September just finished his 6 month commitment and found local work where he lives in Georgia. He is happy he is moving on. This is the norm for my previous 7 students who all got company positions with CRE after training so just use them to get your CDL then get out.
    19MT70 and NavigatorWife Thank this.
  4. HotH2o

    HotH2o Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Did I call you an idiot? No, I didn't. Please don't embellish what I said.
  5. 19MT70

    19MT70 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2013
    Jumping into a volcano and expecting not to get burned? Excellent example of idiocy so how am I embellishing?
  6. HotH2o

    HotH2o Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    I'll repeat myself.....I never called you an idot. My only guilt was insinuating some people feel they will be an exception to the rule. If you want to define that as idiocy well, that's on you my friend! You go ahead and label me however you like if that makes you feel better about the choice you made with CR England.

    Are you actually driving a company truck for England? If you are kudos to you. In my research it's nearly impossible to become a company driver for England. I've read that some guys wait months for a company truck.
  7. 19MT70

    19MT70 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2013
    I will be going company next month and plan to move on after a year of experience over the road. Longest I've heard of anyone waiting for a truck is 3 weeks and that person was demanding a month of home time before getting on the road. Like I said I know this company isn't perfect but I won't be here long term.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
  8. carolina law

    carolina law Bobtail Member

    Jan 23, 2013
    stony point, nc
    cre is not too bad, just screw you up with their 'point system' when you have ANY kind of accident
  9. Ric Rabbit

    Ric Rabbit Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2012
    Atlanta metro area GA
    I concur! Just spent last 4 weeks helping to feed my broke PhaseII Lease Operator just to 'ave him turn in his truck because . . . . (ya ready ?) his girlfriend at home got tired of listening to complaints and IS BREAKING UP WITH HIM ? ? Am at home awaiting company truck assignment in "week or two" AC says if I can make own arraignments concerning second seat "student" then GO FOR IT otherwise can do solo !!! ( lol he is already talking about "moving on" )

    Placement recruiting says Atlanta has company INTERMODAL positions at $800/week salary HOME EVERY NIGHT so am sure CR England DOES have many decent dedicated opportunities if patient !

    Come on ! An "Accident" is an option NOT ! Log Dept is bad enough !!

    Moral Of Story? Once past "phaseI" avoid "lease-ops" entirely, it BREAKS ALL FINANCIALLY, and if truly a decent driver England does have opportunities.
    ( i think training dept is changing, they're finally getting this message, wouldn't mind "team/training" as long as have some say as to "who" - am not RISKING MY LIFE / Company Truck / Customer Property for just "anybody" )
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  10. Ric Rabbit

    Ric Rabbit Light Load Member

    Oct 5, 2012
    Atlanta metro area GA
    [TABLE="align: left"]
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"]Truck
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"] Location
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"] Position Date/Time
    [TD] 97xxx
    [TD] 0001.2 SE of "home city,st"
    [TD] 02/10/13 21:23:09 MST

    [TABLE="align: left"]
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"] Truck
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"] Location
    [TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE, align: center"] Position Date/Time
    [TD] 97xxx
    [TD] 0004.9 NW of "home city,st"
    [TD] 02/11/13 02:53:47 MST

    Things that make one go Hummm . . . . BOTH Lease Operators, from phaseI AND phaseII training, have been sitting AT HOME now for almost the entire last week ? ? i know "Relief/Recovery", which pays .35c/mile, is a very BUSY dept indeed . . . and having, as "a student" who has driven on/off for the last 30yrs, spent the last two months doing everything in my power to help THEM succeed . . . am myself now behind on MORTGAGE have own two middle school kids I still need feed !

    This is NOT England's fault for providing "the opportunity" - this country's entire economy is in a tailspin ( thx to "Bush/Obama" terroristic policies ) do you know *been raining heavy here* I couldn't buy fuel this morning NOT BECAUSE OF NO PUMP ELECTRICITY but rather because "the computers that control the pumps were down" ? ? ? ( lol auto pumps have what ? 1 maybe 2 questions? )

    " Can i pay cash? NO ! Stupid IS as stupid DOES "

    There's a Huge asteroid heading our way this Friday thou Great They claim it's gonna miss ? ?

    Can you say another "false flag attack" in the making everyone here know the definition ?
    US National hero believes the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2013
  11. zdutch1

    zdutch1 Bobtail Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    Temecula, CA
    Hi Dewey, I am considering to start with CRE. It almost sounds too good to be true what they are offering. You teach there? I dont know what questions to ask besides that it seems like a fun and rewarding career. But it seems too it?
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