My journey with PGT begins today

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by cjr323, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Jbond

    Jbond Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2015
    How long will you be with a trainer? do you sleep in the truck together or a motel? Don't think i would like sleeping in a truck with another person
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  3. Tdgraham

    Tdgraham Light Load Member

    May 29, 2015
    yea slept in truck with a trainer my trainer got me home every weekend and picked me up on Mondays, but I left pgt I would deadhead 300 miles pick up a load and being on percentage that was no good...I honestly was making 350 to 450 maybe a week as for biggest check was my signon bonus don't get me wrong some guys who stay out make a lot but as far as me I was told id be regional which to them is all over so I didn't make very much ....but would go back for their lease....their lease is excellent and they treat their drivers excellent! I would go back if I could get on a dedicated route, or make a little more....
  4. DriverJD

    DriverJD Bobtail Member

    Jan 28, 2015
    This not good. I have been solo hauling steel for 4 months and average about 4400 revenue to the truck. My highest was 6000. There are weeks that get hung up for all the normal trucking industry reasons but my lowest full week was still over 3500. Some say freight is slow at the moment but I still make a good living. Tdgraham, I cannot relate to your experience.
    Airborne Thanks this.
  5. Tdgraham

    Tdgraham Light Load Member

    May 29, 2015
    Ive sat in atlanta ga for a day and in texas for a day with them claiming nothing running back east at moment....what fleet manager told me...
  6. 900,000-tons-of-steel

    900,000-tons-of-steel Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    When this occurs you tell your fleet manager that this is NOT what you signed on for and was told when you were hired. In my book, I give the benefit of doubt THREE times. Once, OK...twice, pay attention. Third strike, I'm leaving. Freight doesn't get slow despite what ANYONE tells you. I mean it varies deoending on time of year but it's the specific company that doesn't have the work. Freight is setting records each year more than the last in sheer volume. Don't let them bs you. If they can't keep you running, leave. In the beginning during the interview process I tell the company what I MUST earn each week. If they can't live up to that, leave. I've only had two different companies in my career, with the second one now. I don't play. First company told me I could bank x amount each week....and I did for about six months, then it dropped off. The reasons don't matter to me...not my problem. It's the company's problem. I had a meeting twice with my boss and told him it's got to get better. Twice he told me it would. I held on for three more months. The third meeting I gave my two weeks. Boss begged me to stay, offered to send me to another terminal out of state until it picked up, new truck, etc. I politely declined and moved on. My current company is straight with me. I'm a straight up good employee, I expect to be compensated well for it. If that stops, I will go somewhere else that will appreciate my dedication and hard work.
    Airborne and Shaggy Thank this.
  7. Tdgraham

    Tdgraham Light Load Member

    May 29, 2015
    Who do you currently work for? Also the only freight they had avaliable was running directly into washington dc which i said no to you mean tell me im south and all you have is a load going to dc no thanks....then right before issued my truck my fleet manager asked me how much i needed to make. I replyed... 650 to 850 atleast a week....only time i made 700 was with the 500 sign on bonus smh....
  8. 900,000-tons-of-steel

    900,000-tons-of-steel Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    I drive tanker so I don't have to deal with this stuff. Just one of many reasons I do tank. Look my friend, if you're not even cracking 700 you need to have a frank conversation with your fm. Take control of the situation AND the conversation. Remind him what you were told you would make. When he gives you a rebuttal remind him you haven't made what they said you would make from the beginning. Do not allow him to change the subject or make excuses. Politely tell him you understand him, but that he needs to understand you and that you have to make more money and emphasize this is not a request, it's a necessity for you to remain there. You may have to play hard ball. If he gives you more excuses, go over his head ONE time and politely explain you aren't making what you need to make. Tell the higher up its not that you don't want to work there but the thing is you can't afford to work there at the rate of pay you're making. Then start putting in applications. There are tons of companies out there where you can make more than what you're bringing in now. I've seen this over and over and over. If you let them pay you a crummy wage they will continue to do it. Whether you decide to stay there or move on, start putting in your applications and under the comment sections, write in what you need to make each week. Force your earning potential to be one of the main focal points of your conversations with recruiters. Check the companies out on TruckersReport. There is a wealth of information here. Good luck to you.
    Airborne Thanks this.
  9. Tdgraham

    Tdgraham Light Load Member

    May 29, 2015
    Thanks i actually left there last month. I put a app in at builders transportation....they seem be a good flatbed carrier and great pay and hometime. Now pgt is not a bad company at all i would go back for their lease.....but i just had a bad experience on the company side of things....
  10. 900,000-tons-of-steel

    900,000-tons-of-steel Road Train Member

    Aug 17, 2012
    I heard good things about PGT. Things changed over the last few years from what I've been hearing, though. I actually almost signed on with them right out of school some years back. Phil was the recruiter I dealt with and one hell of a guy. Heard he moved on since those days. All companies go through change, it's inevitable ... but it's up to the managers and dispatchers to make it a positive thing for the drivers.
    Airborne Thanks this.
  11. pchandler99

    pchandler99 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2015
    With PGT do they have a Northeast regional run? Or is that the wallboard division. I'm out of Syracuse, NY and run with a Northeast regional dry van company now and am home every weekend. Is this possible with PGT?
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