My new career - some questions

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by tri-z, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. ggarcia119

    ggarcia119 Bobtail Member

    Dec 10, 2006
    Shneider? ha!!!!!!! dont make me laugh!!!!!!:laughing2:
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  3. Cynical Driver

    Cynical Driver <strong>"Eternal Cynic"</strong>

    Aug 27, 2006
    There's no need for that. I was telling him what they wanted from me, as I actually DID have to provide this sort of info.

    *off topic* And just because you had a bad experience with them, does not mean that everyone else does. Look around this forum a bit and you will see that.
  4. BettyAnn

    BettyAnn BANNED - Recruiting

    Dec 2, 2006
    Hi, I am sorry I didn't get the message send again please...

    you can always send me a comment on my page too if you go to trucker spaces.. maybe that might
  5. tri-z

    tri-z Bobtail Member

    Hello BettyAnn, I cant send PM's yet. Sorry! Thought it worked but I was wrong how can I reach you via your page?
  6. Jawila

    Jawila Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2006
    I suppose BettyAnn answered most of your info. (If not, you start at $500/week while training, you start with a trainer on their routes and are with them for 8 weeks, I'm not sure what they start you out solo at, I think .35/mile.)

    Be careful of the recruiters at Crete, they do not have all their facts straight on what schools you can attend. This has been my experience over the past few weeks.

    I am attending a PTDI certified course, but the local hiring rep for Crete told me that he is also trying to get the local community college okayed from Crete corporate, which would have been a better school for me to attend. I also learned that I need a 95% grade from school.

    I'm still looking for something that fits me better than Crete. Most other options will come from more localized outfits, smaller carriers, etc. Keep doing your homework and you will find what you are looking for, but Crete seems to be a good bet, providing their freight picks up soon. :confused3: :wink:
  7. buck and a half

    buck and a half Mr. Miles & Miles with Many Smiles

    Aug 11, 2006
    You are worrying yourself to death,pick a school ,a cummunity is better ussually,if you have a program near you. It isn't rocket science to learn to drive a truck,just try your best and don't read into it that hard on yourself,very few folks have skid pads etc,you aren't going to be driving a super hot police car persuing a con or something. Do your best and you will be fine. pick a job and go for it. I would recommend a dry van job at first,when you master that,tankers,reefers,flatbeds,etc. then your brain won't be overloaded and you will make fewer mistakes. I have enjoyed doing it all,except tankers and doubles,triples,while I am not a union man,being an older generation driver,I have always viewed this as taking another mans job,that he may need to support his family,although there seems to be a shortage of good drivers out here today. bestof luck to you.have a Great New Year.
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