My opportunity to discuss what's wrong with CRST's CEO

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Jake_Blue, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. bigjoel

    bigjoel Road Train Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Houston, Tx
    The bottom line is they are not going to raise driver pay.

    So what else is there to talk about?
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  3. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    No worries, I have very thick skin... I work for CRST! Sorry, couldn't resist either.
    Giggles the Original Thanks this.
  4. Giggles the Original

    Giggles the Original Road Train Member

    i'm sorry.....:biggrin_25522:
  5. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    Okay, I can't do this on my phone... switching to my laptop...
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2014
  6. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    Not trying to be argumentative but why do you say that? I have 8 months experience and make the CPM rate of a 3 yr company vet and more miles than I can legally run every week. They are willing to pay good drivers good money but they're in a vicious cycle of over-recruiting, losing good drivers to other companies, being left with the rest, and back to recruiting. I mentioned my anecdotal observation that you can find CRST drivers with less than 2 yrs or more than 6 years but almost nothing in between... that tells you something changed about 5 years ago.
  7. tow614

    tow614 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    The bottom line is...whether it is crst,covenant,knight,cr england,swift,usa truck and so on..

    these companies are nothing more than "STARTER" companies....

    you should go into them to get what you want from them and move on.

    There are plenty of good companies out here that are in the 200 or less catagory where you will be much happier.

    why torture yourself thinking some mega outfit actually gives a flip about you....

    truth is jake... they have already forgotten your name and are refering to you as that guy with the cry baby list..

    we cant change the whole world but we can change our world....find a better are obviously well qualified to do so...

    if you want i can recommend you where i work...far better than crst i assure you and you will always be.treated with respect and never talked down to.
    Shaggy Thanks this.
  8. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    While I don't agree with your sentiment, I appreciate your willingness to make the offer. I do have another job lined up already and I'll leave CRST with no ill will; Werner even said if things don't pan out he'd love to get me back in their fleet and on his Driver Advisory Council.
  9. tow614

    tow614 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    Glad to see you are moving on....

    10 years from now you will share my sentiment....
  10. 6 Speed

    6 Speed Heavy Load Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    If companies wages had kept up with inflation there would be no need for driver training nor retention. Thus leaving more too be spent on front line employees for a more personable feeling for drivers. There are tens of thousands of well trained drivers sitting home after simply walking away from this madness.
    tow614 and Shaggy Thank this.
  11. tow614

    tow614 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    While pay is one part of the issue..there are plenty of other things to be dealt with....

    there are plenty of companies out there that no amount of money could ever get me to consider driving for them.

    the same is true for every industry but far greater in this one...

    one of the biggest problems is making recent fast food workers driver managers...and i am being serious..i have had that happen to me...
    Jake_Blue Thanks this.
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