My opportunity to discuss what's wrong with CRST's CEO

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Jake_Blue, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    If CRST had any real interest in improving corporate culture it would have already happened. CRST has had a filthy reputation since long before I started driving, and that was 16 years ago. I find it hard to believe that the leadership of the company has been completely out of touch for that long.

    I think this is just a "feel good" move on the part of company leadership that will not lead to any degree of long term positive change. Which is rather unfortunate, as CRST is in a very good position to lead the entire industry in a better direction as far as overall driver treatment.
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  3. 6 Speed

    6 Speed Heavy Load Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    Better wages would not only retain drivers but bring in a better class of candidates.
  4. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    We have to figure out which is the cart and which is the horse... will better candidates prove themselves worthy of better wages or will better wages automatically make the candidates better? Is Seattle's $15/hr minimum wage automatically going to make McDonalds employment applicants to be better than before?
  5. Jake_Blue

    Jake_Blue Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Lebanon, Indiana
    Time will tell... I'm trying to stay positive.
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