My Poly Trucking experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by majestyk, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Did a similar thread while driving for Roehl and Crete so decided I would add my thoughts/experiences/mileage info etc. to a thread on Poly. Both Roehl and Crete were ok to drive for but like most trucking companies there were several things that could have been changed to make things better. I left Roehl for better pay after satisfying my training obligation and likewise left Crete for a pay raise at Poly. I drove for Poly for roughly 3.5 years (the last 8 months on a dedicated route) before having to take 3 months off to handle a family situation that arose. Now I am back OTR and hoping that the miles are still there after hearing rumors that things are not as good as when I started the dedicated run, we will see. I run a whole bunch out west and know how to maximize the leeway we are given in regard to several things.

    First week out: 2766 miles (+1 extra drop, 30.00)
    6/13 - 6/15 Henderson, NV - Sumner, WA ----- 1158 miles
    6/15 - 6/18 Sumner, WA - Eugene, OR - Jerome, ID - Cheyenne, WY --- ca. 1608 miles (will update exact later)
    6/19 - reset

    Unfortunately couldn't get loaded this afternoon and head on toward Idaho and likely would have gotten unloaded in Evans, CO and Aurora, CO as well on Friday before heading to Lubbock for the last drop. So going to stop in Cheyenne, WY for a reset before heading into Colorado early Monday. Kind of a blah week but planning on taking a few back roads in Idaho and Wyoming that I haven't seen so looking forward to that.

    Week 2: (+3 stops, 90.00)
    6/20 - Cheyenne, WY - Evans, CO - Aurora, CO - Lubbock, TX --- ca. 662 mi (update exact later)
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  3. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Beautiful drive today in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming. Took US 191 for the first time just south of Jackson into Rock Springs. Be glad to get this girl into the shop as several things need to be looked at including a pretty good oil leak. Hope I can hold her together until I get back to GP. No early word from back haul about my Tuesday load so probably going to be on the ### end of the OB trips for Wednesday.
  4. jldilley

    jldilley Medium Load Member

    Oct 13, 2013
    Indianapolis, In
    Thanks for starting this thread for us. Does Poly move dry van frieght? Do they work with fleet owners? Also, do they have any dedicated lanes in the Midwest?
  5. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    1. Yes
    2. They do move a lot of product through outside carriers but I have no idea how they choose those carriers
    3. We have a lot of dedicated accounts in the midwest (Sams, WM, Costco, etc.) but I do not know if any of the outside carriers handle some of those predominantly.
    jldilley Thanks this.
  6. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    First week out: 2836 miles (+1 extra drop, 30.00)
    6/13 - 6/15 Henderson, NV - Sumner, WA ----- 1158 miles
    6/15 - 6/19 Sumner, WA - Eugene, OR - Jerome, ID - Evans, CO --- 1678 miles

    Week 2: ca. 2771 + Sunday miles (+7 stops, 210.00)
    6/20 - Evans, CO - Aurora, CO - Lubbock, TX --- 604 mi
    6/21-6/22 Lubbock, TX - Abilene, TX - Houston, TX - Mont Belvieu, TX -- 624 mi
    6/22-6/24 Mont Belvieu, TX - Henderson, NV -- ca. 1550 mi
    6/25 reset
    6/26 ????

    Headed back to Vegas for a reset at the house and perhaps an early morning hike before the heat hits 120 on Saturday. Another solid week and should be over 6100 or so depending on my Sunday load for the first two weeks with an additional 8 stops added to the pay stub. Not too shabby.

    Got stuck waiting on a load of recycled tires for 8 hours in Lubbock when their truck broke down in route. Had to hit the over night driving through the Texas back roads but got her done. Managed to avoid going to Grand Priairie to drop this truck off for maintenance and repair. Called and only 1 loaner was available and couldn't guarantee it would be there when I arrived and the shop didn't call back with any other info so decided to just roll the southern route back to Henderson. Got the news my old truck was back at the terminal there so going to move everything over and just have this one fixed out west.
  7. longrdhome

    longrdhome Bobtail Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    i know i have seen it posted already but what is the best way to apply. I live in las vegas and options are slim. despite all the bad trucks the rest of the company sounds good. seems like all new drivers are being put in the same bad trucks and if you get a good truck it could be good. there web site has no listing for driving jobs.
  8. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Fill out the online application ( Call to see if it went through and check back every few days to see what's up. Good luck.
  9. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Bah, No available loads leaving Sunday or likely Monday as well as they generally dispatch those on Friday. Couple of SLC and one Sumner load leaving Tuesday currently. Oh well spending my extra time cooking some good grub and spending time with my son who moved out here earlier this month.
  10. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Headed to Blaine, WA in the morning. Hopefully will get a back haul into GP that I can drop on Sunday and snag another load to drive through the holiday, we will see.
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