My Poly Trucking experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by majestyk, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    No it won't if it is mandated but as it is I can run a ####load of miles as I am very good at managing what I have to work with. If that option is taken away the extra revenue of having my own truck would then likely over compensate for the loss of revenue that comes with being forced to be on elogs at Poly. If I have to be on elogs I want to do it on my own terms.
    Western flyer Thanks this.
  2. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    Bill told me poly will wait till the last minute to make us use e-logs, which he said was sometime next year. Not sure when that mandate happens or whatever but that's what poly is going by.
    I told bill I wasn't volunteering for e-logs either, he said no problem that surprisingly he had quite a few drivers volunteering for it.
  3. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Best of luck to them:) Ludicrous talk by some folks that they can run as many miles on elogs as I can on paper logs and all is hunky dory. Cuts out my ability to run the back roads, maximize my 10% OOR miles, tweak the edges to find parking were I want, and on and on. I will manage when it becomes mandated but I sure in the hell won't like it. I know that there are quite a few of us at Poly that get the job done with the freedom we have, when this #### comes down going to make things much more difficult to maximize take home pay and for me that is definitely the bottom line.
    ArmyGuy Thanks this.
  4. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    You can run 3300/3400 miles a week on e-logs.
    But you sure as heck ain't gonna do it bumping
    Docks everyday.
    1000 mile loads and up you can still make some money.

    It's the 0 to 600 miles overnight loads with live
    Loads on each end that will send you to the poor house.
    The less docks you hit the less chance of a customer
    ####ing you over.
    The more pre- loaded trailers and drop and hooks
    The better.
    majestyk Thanks this.
  5. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    It will definitely hit me less than the average driver because I leave out on 1200+ mile runs out the door from home and then generally 2200+ back into Texas. But it is just a PITA as I will have to run more interstates instead of back roads out west to conserve time. I guess it just comes down to my hating to be mandated to do anything. I am very good at my job and it just pisses me off to have options taken away from me that help me better do that job as well as making me extra money. I will overcome but I ain't going to like it:)
  6. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    We all hate it.
    The e-logs I can deal with.
    The driver facing camera I'm retired from trucking.
    Dark_Majesty_06 Thanks this.
  7. Rusty Trawler

    Rusty Trawler Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2016
    I've gotten 4200 off elogs
    5 min fuel, 5 min load or unload, 7 min VI.
    The minimum on paper is 15 for all.
    It keeps me out of prison.
    On driver cam?
    Nope, that's the one bridge I'll never cross.
    I'm switching jobs. If it doesn't work out, I think I'll try poly.
    But I don't like the idea of waiting three weeks for my pay.
  8. againstthewind

    againstthewind Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    i went from paper to elogs and learned one thing, as far as a otr ompany driver elogs are exhausting. i would think they would want relaxed happy drivers, elogs do the opposite , it is what it is but the fact for me is im more tired on elogs. i could list many reasons but it would be a waste of time. drivers are convinced they are better and safer. the thing about brainwashed people is that theyre brainwashed, there is no convincing a brainwashed person. they dont even think for themselves, they believe what they been told. they think its about running like an outlaw instead of maybe you would stop an see a a family member, maybe you would take a break here or there, maybe you would just like to be relaxed, elogs just have you ending up in places you dont want to be and skipping things you might do. sounds safe to have everyone running around trying to beat a clock. how many drivers rush on a load so they can have enough time to fit in a 34, kinds defeats the purpose i would say. if someone drinks and drives and kills someone you dont put everyone in jail, so if a driver falls asleep at the wheel and kills someone why should everyone pay with the same rules, oh well just the way i see it, ive thought about starting a utube series about the whole subject because i cant count the times where just logbook rules in general dont make any sense. i tell my family and they just shake their head lolwell enough of my rant. carry on.
    almostthere Thanks this.
  9. Rusty Trawler

    Rusty Trawler Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2016
    What's Poly's policy on riders/pets?
    Do they run Minn at all?
  10. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    No riders/ no pets.
    They got a plant in cottage grove,mn.
    So yes they run minn.
    Rusty Trawler Thanks this.
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