My Poly Trucking experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by majestyk, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. mothertrucker47

    mothertrucker47 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2019
    Just regional... but I guess its not likely? I heard they were also having issues with loads being ready out of Chester... is that still true?
  2. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    Unless there is a production problem the loads are normally ready on time or early. I know there's a couple Chester regional drivers. I have no clue if they're hiring regional only or otr. I know every week they offer loads going from grand prairie to the Carolinas that then end up in Chester.
  3. mothertrucker47

    mothertrucker47 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2019
    Hey thanks for your help. I will check out whether they are hiring regionally or not. I heard they were expanding at Chester again so I guess business is good? Maybe they have new accounts? At least it's not slow?
  4. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    They have regional/ local at chester.
    I talked to one of them last week.
    They do all the short #### freight.

    They get the beat up hand me down internationals.
    Have fun running those 300 mile loads back and
    Forth to Atlanta and Jacksonville.

    Full days work for half days pay.
    Some sucker has to do it.
  5. mothertrucker47

    mothertrucker47 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2019
    Well that doesn't sound promising maybe I should go for otr...but can you tell me if business is constant from that new Chester plant? I thought they were gearing up production since they open, no new accounts or routes?!
  6. ArmyGuy

    ArmyGuy Heavy Load Member

    Jun 21, 2011
    Hudson, Florida
    Chester is fine and has loads every week. Chester in my opinion basically takes the pressure off of grand prairie. Most if not all the loads that ship out of Chester use to ship out of grand prairie. that's why some/most drivers don't like Chester. it makes some loads less desirable or changed the way some drivers ran their truck. if you live close to Chester that of course would make it a lot better lol.
  7. mothertrucker47

    mothertrucker47 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2019
    Thanks. I heard they are adding on to Chester plant and putting in a fuel station that employees and truckers can use...have you heard this? Do you know if they are adding production lines also? Just curious, them it guarantees a lot of loads
  8. Western flyer

    Western flyer Road Train Member

    Mar 13, 2014
    Your over thinking this.
    If poly calls you, you answer the phone.
    Because there not calling twice.
    This is not a drivers mill.

    They might hire 4 or 5 drivers a week.
    It's the best otr job in the country.
    We (drivers) got it made and most of
    Them that work here know it.

    We've all done the exact same job at
    Other places for 300 dollars a week less.
    That money adds up real quick.

    Forget what's happening in chester.
    That's the worst of the 4 plants to work
    Out of.
    Just get the job and learn how to work the system.

    That's all you need to know.
    28 Thanks this.
  9. mothertrucker47

    mothertrucker47 Bobtail Member

    Jan 9, 2019
    Hey guys,
    Just curious, is Kroger distribution centers part of the runs for Poly America plants?
  10. 28

    28 Medium Load Member

    Sep 17, 2015
    Been to this one twice ( see the map link ) in all my time with the company
    .... drop there then bounce over to the yard

    Google Maps
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