My Poly Trucking experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by majestyk, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Rusty Trawler

    Rusty Trawler Road Train Member

    Jul 14, 2016
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  3. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Well got back safely from Alaska,pretty nice trip. Heading out tomorrow to Salt Lake City and likely a back haul out of the place near Little America, WY or a deadhead back to Vegas. Looking forward to hitting the payment, bills to pay:)
    tucker Thanks this.
  4. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
  5. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    When I started in 98, drivers only had too take an 8 hour break, with no 14 hour rule, and I got plenty of rest.

    14 hour rule, 10 hour break for people that only sleep 5-6 hours, wonder how many truck drivers will die of the stress related to having to work 14 hours straight without a break?

    US government FDA kills hundreds of thousands of people in America a year by restricting life saving drugs readily available in Europe, but they say elogs will save 1400 lives a year.

    The way to cut down on highway deaths is traffic enforcement, more highway rest areas, driver training and many more vehicle inspections. Those weigh stations spend too much time on paperwork. They could have high tech simulators that train drivers not to tailgate and how to avoid accidents, among other things

    Zaros, Underdog68 and majestyk Thank this.
  6. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip

    Week 7:
    7/24-7/26 trip
    7/27 Henderson, NV -- Salt Lake City, UT --- 513 miles
    7/28-7/30 SLC, UT -- Kingman, AZ - ?????,TX --- ca. 1350

    Week 8:
    7/31 ???, TX - New Caney, TX ---- ca. 700 mile
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
  7. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip

    Week 7: 1840 miles (3 off days)
    7/24-7/26 trip
    7/27 Henderson, NV -- Salt Lake City, UT --- 513 miles
    7/28-7/30 SLC, UT -- Kingman, AZ - Van Horn, TX --- 1327

    Week 8: (1 drop)
    7/31 Van Horn, TX - New Caney, TX ---- 666 mile
    8/1-8/3 New Caney, TX -- Mont Belvieu, TX -- Cottage Grove, MN -- 1409 miles
    8/3-8/5 Cottage Grove -- Port Trevorton, PA --- ca. 1050 miles

    Solid run out of Cottage Grove to PA, that is if I can get reloaded with no problems late Friday or Saturday out of PA.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
    tucker Thanks this.
  8. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00) (2 resets)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip
    Week 7: 1840 miles (3 off days)
    Week 8: 3590 miles (1 drop)

    Week 9:
    8/7-8/8 Greenville, Virginia -- Schertz, TX --- ca. 1430 miles

    Running like a mad man. Got another good back haul that picks up in the morning at Nestle Foods. Unfortunately only have 5.5 hours to work tomorrow which is going to put me on the graveyard shift to get this load delivered on time Tuesday morning just outside of San Antonio. Can't complain though as chalking up maximum miles. Should be at 3600 +/- a few miles by tomorrow for week 8. Keep this up may knock out my first 15K mile month as I have no intention of taking any time off for a bit, we will see.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  9. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00) (2 resets)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip
    Week 7: 1840 miles (4 days work)
    Week 8: 3590 miles (1 drop)

    Week 9: ca. 3185 miles (6 days work, 3 drops)
    8/7-8/9 Greenville, Virginia -- Schertz, TX --- 1435 miles
    8/9-8/12 Schertz, TX -- Mont Belvieu, TX -- Henderson, NV ---- ca. 1750 miles
    8/13 Home

    Pretty solid 6800 miles over the last 14 days. Sitting back in Baytown tonight and picking up another transfer load back to Henderson in the early morning hours so I don't have to deal with Houston and San Antonio traffic again tomorrow. Going to take just one day off at home for a reset and then back at it on Sunday if there are any loads available. Just busting ### on the miles is all I can say and that is the way I like it as KC and the Sunshine Band used to say. My regular truck still sitting in Grand Prairie for over a month as I haven't seen that place but one time since coming back at the beginning of June. The three loaners that I have been in over the rest of the time have performed admirably thus far.
    tucker Thanks this.
  10. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00) (2 resets)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip
    Week 7: 1840 miles (4 days work)
    Week 8: 3590 miles (1 drop)

    Week 9: ca. 3162 miles (6 days work, 3 drops)
    8/7-8/9 Greenville, Virginia -- Schertz, TX --- 1435 miles
    8/9-8/12 Schertz, TX -- Mont Belvieu, TX -- Henderson, NV ---- 1727 miles
    8/13 Home

    Week 10:
    8/14 home
    8/15-8/17 Henderson, NV -- Sumner, WA --- ca. 1150 miles

    Well had an extra day at home as no loads available leaving out Sunday. Heading to Costco in Sumner and then hoping to get a backhaul towards GP so I can take some time off in Arkansas to track some deer and get my bow ready for the start of deer hunting in late September.
    tucker Thanks this.
  11. majestyk

    majestyk Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    las vegas, nv
    ]Week 1: 2836 miles, 1 drop
    Week 2: 2723 miles, 6 drops
    Week 3: 3176 miles 1 drop
    Week 4: 2189 miles (+6 drops, 180.00) (2 resets)
    Week 5: 1787 miles, 4 work days.
    Week 6: 7/17-7/23 0 miles, trip
    Week 7: 1840 miles (4 days work)
    Week 8: 3590 miles (1 drop)

    Week 9: ca. 3162 miles (6 days work, 3 drops)
    8/7-8/9 Greenville, Virginia -- Schertz, TX --- 1435 miles
    8/9-8/12 Schertz, TX -- Mont Belvieu, TX -- Henderson, NV ---- 1727 miles
    8/13 Home

    Week 10:
    8/14 home
    8/15-8/17 Henderson, NV -- Sumner, WA --- 1215 miles
    8/17-8/20 Sumner, WA -- Portland, OR -- NM? ---- ca. 1785 miles

    Week 11:
    8/21 NM? -- Lancaster, TX ---- ca. 550 miles

    Picked up a back haul out of Portland this morning. Got there a couple of hours early and was on the road 45 minutes later which was nice as it alleviated some of the horrendous Portland traffic. Taking the back roads back to Lancaster, TX for a Monday delivery and put in for some home time in Arkansas to take care of some stuff after that. Should be right at 3K miles for week ten when I stop in NM in a couple of nights with only running 6 days so not too shabby. In bad news going through my third gout episode in two months. Some definite bad genetic lineage for that problem so probably going to have to start some meds to curtail it which I hate but #### this #### hurts:)
    tucker and Getsinyourblood Thank this.
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