My time with CR England as a lease operator.

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Infomad, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. EZX1100

    EZX1100 Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    did you know in your lease you could have stopped working for England and leased on to another carrier. they cannot stop you from doing it, because the lease company is "separate" from CREngland

    you can even get your own authority and run that truck as you wish

    they took the truck from you because you didnt realize that you had full autonomy of that truck as a lessor, to run under any company you wanted to

    same contract clause is with prime, most guys dont read the contract

    at orientation they tell you to put it away because you wont need it, but truth be told, they dont want you to read it
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  3. The Snowman

    The Snowman <b> Master of Confusion</b>

    Nov 12, 2012
    Sacramento, Ca.
    Well said. Ever time I was back in SLC or Burns Harbor I tried to talk the kids out of leases, but time after time I was picking up there trucks weeks later. I bought diner for many a staving CRE solo Lease drivers. It's sad how greedy the England Family is they are a disgrace to the Mormon Church.

    I was lucky during training I was given some great advice to go in to the relief and recovery fleet at England. I made as much as 900 solo a week and some 300 weeks, but on average 600. It's the only way to make money at England. and I got a lot of frequent flyer miles to boot.
  4. The Snowman

    The Snowman <b> Master of Confusion</b>

    Nov 12, 2012
    Sacramento, Ca.
  5. The Snowman

    The Snowman <b> Master of Confusion</b>

    Nov 12, 2012
    Sacramento, Ca.
    Well said. Ever time I was back in SLC or Burns Harbor I tried to talk the kids out of leases, but time after time I was picking up there trucks weeks later. I bought diner for many a staving CRE solo Lease drivers. It's sad how greedy the England Family is they are a disgrace to the Mormon Church.

    I was lucky during training I was given some great advice to go in to the relief and recovery fleet at England. I made as much as 900 solo a week and some 300 weeks, but on average 600. It's the only way to make money at England. and I got a lot of frequent flyer miles to boot.
    Infomad Thanks this.
  6. Truckermoonpie

    Truckermoonpie Bobtail Member

    Mar 3, 2019
    I had to leave CR England Smithfield Tarheel regional run. I never once grossed 1200-1500 pay. One time I did gross 707 with 3 days of Orientation paid and short haul pay.
    They assigned me a old damaged western star with a broken apu bunk heater, the passenger side window was down and would not go up. I called the Tarheel shop. I was told. #### dude put a trash bag in the window and roll.
    I refused. They got me another truck that was a newer truck but it was beaten up and trashed on the inside. And after 3 days with this truck, the obc stopped working. I turned the truck in this past Wednesday night.
    Never got the 3 days layover pay as promised. Never got the cleaning pay.
    I have Been in trucking for 28 years. Simply not my kind of trucking.
  7. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    28 years and you went to England?
    McUzi Thanks this.
  8. B12ride

    B12ride Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2019
    I've been with CRE for three months now, new driver, and everything I've learned so far about CRE you put it in the statement above. Everything you said it's true.
  9. TheBlue

    TheBlue Bobtail Member

    Oct 15, 2019

    I am a current Cre Employee. I was looking for lease-program information. This post was helpful.
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