My wife and I are finally going to training for C. R. England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Karasu1982, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I blundered.
    My bad.
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  3. Lilbit

    Lilbit Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    Let me check my logbook
    You're allowed to once in awhile! :biggrin_25525:
  4. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    Well I appreciated your long response regarding my "limited" experience as you state however I think that you are reading between the lines. I have had my CDL for 4 years and I have infact dealt with other trucking companies in the past one of which would be US express and the other would be USA truck. So therefore I would not presume if I were you that I do not have any other experience with other companies.
    I do infact listen and look at what goes on in the trucking companies and industry as a whole and I do happen to pay attention.

    Did CRE damage my dac report? The answer is that they reported some bad things against my dac report however only one of them they stated was an accident (the mirror).

    Though I do not wish to disclose the contents of my dac report as I see it as personal and none of others business I do think that it is idiotic of a company to try to ruin others. I also noted that US express put something on my dac report which was invalid as well. This supports my theory that all large companies are the same. I never even worked for US express I just happened to go to their orientation and when I found out that their trucks were kitted out the way that they were I did not want to work for them, so I left.

    USA truck never posted something to my dac report and that is fine it was probably not worth their time, but somehow US express found that they needed to post that I had been to their orientation and left there without completing training.. well.. yes I did.. who cares?

    As far as your post regarding my children and my parenting.. I don't tell you how to raise your children and or your family. You have no business telling me how to raise my children and my family. There are circumstances that are beyond my control regarding that issue, and its really unfair of you to comment on it.
    That goes right along with the idea that women are not allowed to do a man's job.. unless they want to remain fruitless and have no family all of their lives.
    Frankly I am offended.

    As far as reporting procedures go, yes I did report everything I did to the company, and yes that is how they screwed me.. however I never rolled a truck, and I never had more than five hundred dollars worth of damage for a mirror.. that incident was not completely my fault either.. but we all know that does not matter in the trucking industry.

    I believe that everything in America is a money making scheme. People try to enslave others all the time. I am not going to be enslaved.

    Regarding other companies that I have applied for.. that also .. is not your business to comment on but I will respond (though I should not have to stand up for myself).

    I have applied to other companies looking for a non driving position because a family member has had a stroke and asked me to care for them and move in with them into the farm of which I grew up on.
    I very much want to move into the farm house and I very much am interested in helping my aunt with her personal care and other things. This was already something that was planned out in the future for myself to retire to the farm, live there and care for my realitives. Although it has come a bit early and I am not going to retire I am however seeking employment with a local company.
    Again, not really your business, but its a little moot.

    catahoula Thanks this.
  5. bearkat67

    bearkat67 Bobtail Member

    Dec 30, 2010
    winston-salem nc
    yep another driver opps' student(sorry) that thinks cre is the way to go' it sounds like he did not work to hard to looka t other truck cos out there and now the both of them are stuck with them for one year. and then sometime next year we will be reading about them wining about the co' so get ready to read all about how bad cre is this and that.:biggrin_25513:
  6. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    "Between the lines" is often where the truth is hidden, especially by those who claim to appreciate something when they really don't, --- but for whatever reason find shelter in half-truths and/or outright lies.
    My crystal ball is in the shop so I have to depend on information that's been provided and I don't recall you mentioning that you had previous experience. So it's three truckin' companies in four years, including your biggest mistake leasing from C.R. England? That's quite a record. Jumpin' from one bottom feeder to another bottom feeder expectin' different results and surprised when you find out they're the same?
    That's what you're tellin' me, but that's not what I'm readin' betwixt the lines. If I believe what you've written here, you know what you're gettin' into before you get there, but you go there anyway. You deserve what you get. Experience should teach one what to avoid, if they're payin' attention.

    Sorry, without my crystal ball I don't know the answer.
    That would indicate that the other "bad things" were intentional.
    That's not good.

    What if "others" deserve to have their DAC dinged?
    If a DAC is dinged as a form of get-evenism, I agree, it's idiotic.
    So, out of a sampling of three Big truck truckin' companies, none of which is considered to be one of the better Big truck truckin' companies, you've come to the conclusion that all Big truck truckin' companies are the same?
    I'm no expert, but I'm thinkin' your research is a tad flawed. As it stands, you don't have ANY experience drivin' for ANY of the better Big truck truckin' companies and NONE of the smaller Big truck truckin' companies to base your comparisons on.
    Or, am I missin' something?
    Now you're down to only two bottom feeders to base your "theory" on, and the last company is notorious for shabby, unfair treatment of their drivers, especially their lease operators, which you chose to sign on to be.
    I detect a downward trend with each change you make.
    The bottom feeders are what they are and it's well known who they are, and like a moth to flame, you're attracted to them and complain when you get what they're famous for. Do you accept any of the blame for that? Or is it all their fault?
    Just curious, if you saw a sign readin' BRIDGE OUT, would you attempt to cross it anyway?

    "Who cares"?
    My guess would be you.
    You walked out of orientation when you learned something there that you should have already known and wonder why that didn't set well with US Express?

    Please point out where I told you "how to raise your children". Were you "reading between the lines"?
    I'll admit that my memory slips a tad now and then, but as I recall I mentioned that I realize that SOMEtimes we gotta do what we gotta do. Isn't that the same thing you're sayin' now?
    If you got that impression from what I wrote, you misread me seriously. It sounds more like you were already harboring those feelings and now you're using me as an excuse to vent.
    Frankly, I'm offended.

    Considerin' that there are Big truck truck drivers, male and female, with over a million mile markers in their back pocket who haven't done $500 damage in all the years they've been drivin', your record isn't very impressive. In the Big truck truckin' industry, a record like yours indicates an accident lookin' for a place to happen. Funny thing is, as unfair as it sounds, statistics indicate that there's evidence to support that theory. That's a fact you need to face.

    I notice you didn't say you aren't going to enslave anybody in your "money making scheme". After all, "everything in America is a money making scheme". You are in America, right?

    Anybody home?

    I realize that information is none of my business, --- ergo I didn't ask. Besides, I wasn't even aware that there were any others, --- until you informed me of them after tellin' me it's none of my business.
    Here we go again!
    It's none of my business, ........... but, ......................
    If it's none of my business, why are you tellin' me what I don't have any business knowin'?
    I didn't even ask.

    I'm sorry to hear about your family member, but the farm sounds like a nice arrangement. I hope all works out well for all involved.

    Speaking from personal experience, I know that caring for a family member with medical problems is not easy. I came off the road to care for my mother when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and a few years later, Pancreatic cancer, --- which is what caused her death. I didn't really know what I was gettin' into, but I'm the only family member who could take care of her and make it possible to remain in her home. Knowing what I know now, I don't know if I could do it again. It took a lot out of me.
    It's one of those cases of doin' what'cha gotta do when you can, because you can, for as long as you can, until you can't.
    Even the best made plans don't always work out as planned. Actually, SOMEtimes things planned that don't work out that way work out better than originally planned. I hope that's the case for you.
    Again, you volunteered information that I didn't ask for. Should I have ignored it?

    It appears to me that you're peeved at me for things I didn't do.
    The intent of my original post to you was to offer some support to you and to let you know that there's someone out here who sympathizes with you concerning the shabby treatment you've received. I now see that was a mistake, so consider any support and/or sympathy withdrawn.
    Please accept my apologies.
    I assure you, it won't happen again.

    Nicole[/QUOTE]For fear of my head bein' bitten off, .......... again,
    I'll refrain from sayin' any more.
    I should have begun with good-bye.
    Lilbit Thanks this.
  7. fawne

    fawne Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    First of all I was not angry.
    I never said anything out of line and
    I did infact read the last post that you put up word for word.

    If you were offering me your support, you sure didn't sound like it while you were telling me how to raise my kids and that I need to be at home with them... whilst other truck drivers ie males can go around making families with tons of women and I don't see you hopping on them.

    You did not offer support .. its not my fault. You actually were very critical of me, and when I stood up for myself you became defensive.

    If you don't want to hear the answers then perhaps you should not ask the questions, or toss the accusations out. I am not a silent woman.. and I am not going to be.

    Your head was never bitten off.. I am sure it felt that way after you threw out a bunch of crap, but its not how I feel at all.
    If you don't want to hear the answers then.. perhaps you should not be asking personal questions to people, reading between the lines and then accusing them of things that are not exactly the way that they are.

    Yes there are million milers out there that have done no damage to a vehicle ever, and then there are a bunch of friggin morons out there that hit bridges and roll their trucks.

    Maybe I am am mediocre driver, but the reality is that not everyone can be perfect.
    YOU are probably not perfect.

    If there is anyone here that is perfect please raise your hand?!

    Regardless of the insulting things that you said to me, regarding how I choose to raise my children, and what kind of a driver I am (including that I am an accident waiting to happen) it is amazing to me that you can be so rude, get away with it.. and yet I have not sworn at you once.

    Have a nice day!
  8. Mrfasttrack

    Mrfasttrack Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    I swear you need a cold drink, nap and something to eat when reading Aftershocks comments.. Keep them coming..
    AfterShock and Lilbit Thank this.
  9. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I'd recommend the nap first, and have the cold drink with
    something to eat.
    I'm thinkin' pizza.
    Pizza goes good with soda or beer.
    If you pick the adult beverage, keep in mind
    that BAC level for a Big truck truck driver is 0.04.
    However, I well understand the mental anguish my posts cause,
    and how they could drive a wooden Indian to drink, so perhaps a case-0-brewskis
    and a designated driver, preferably one with a regular license.

    After readin' post #186, .............................................. I'm, ...............................Uhhhhh, ................................................... hmmmm,.......................... ummmmmmmm, ......... ahhhhhhh,...........

    I gotta think 'bout that one.
    Decide if I'm --------->
    :glasses6: a nice guy.
    Or ---------->
    :naka: a baaddd man.

    Be back in a few hours.

    Lilbit Thanks this.
  10. Mrfasttrack

    Mrfasttrack Light Load Member

    Aug 12, 2010
    Hey I forgot the bathroom breaks between reading your posts. Guess I need to find the old pee bottle so I dont have to take a break..:biggrin_25521:
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  11. Karasu1982

    Karasu1982 Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    In the six months or so since we left england, they've changed what's on my dac 3 times, and I've had to dispute it each and every time, and finally I think they're going to stop messing with it. But yeah, at first, it was just load abandonment, and a 160 dollar mistake >.>, then it was truck abandonment and quit on short notice, this was 3 months later. Then about a week ago, we have the accident, quit on short notice and the kicker, unauthorized location with out notice. So we got that fixed to go to a small company less than 250 trucks, a dedicated run, benefits and higher pay than USA yay! Thanks everyone for keeping up and I'll continue to be around answer questions and all that. - K
    AfterShock Thanks this.
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