Nebraska should be ashamed of itself

Discussion in 'Truck Stops' started by BeHereNow97, Mar 12, 2022.

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  1. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    the point being, is you should be grateful for any parking at all... there is much worse places to go that have even less parking then the places you are talking about... are you a new driver ?
    bzinger, T.Rucker and drvrtech77 Thank this.
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  3. TooTiredToTalk

    TooTiredToTalk Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2022
    Sorry to hear about your friend! :( And thank you for some other options and a bit of information on R E :) Yeah, I didn't know of either company until my friend told me about them. He knows the owner in sorts of Arab Cartage. Company is so small though, that insurance requires drivers have a minimum of 2 years under their belt. Pretty typical with smaller companies like that.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2022
    smokey12 Thanks this.
  4. ProfessionalNoticer

    ProfessionalNoticer Road Train Member

    Apr 25, 2021
    The drugs don't bother me. It's what's being done on the streets, in public that bothers me. Getting punctured with a dirty needle laying in the gutter could very likely be a death sentence and the urinating outside when there are places indoors to use is utterly repulsive.
    D.Tibbitt, drvrtech77 and bzinger Thank this.
  5. smokey12

    smokey12 Road Train Member

    May 30, 2012
    Thank took him quick ..about a week and he was gone..he already had COPD. Glad to help, if you have any questions about the companies down here give me a holler!
    bzinger Thanks this.
  6. TooTiredToTalk

    TooTiredToTalk Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2022
    Agree. I just have an issue with society now. I have a friend who can't get people to work worth a ####. Pays good. Benefits. He's a good boss. Might not be if you're a lazy POS....but that's because you're lazy! People get hired then never show up to work. Or have an interview and never show up, or try to call in daily. F****** pathetic how people are. I think it should be that if you don't work, then you don't eat. You don't play. NOTHING. You have nowhere to live. Meanwhile there are people busting their hind ends off to better their lives and/or support their families and then you got lazy MF's who get every little darn thing handed to them. Menaces to society is all they are.
  7. TooTiredToTalk

    TooTiredToTalk Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2022
    Well at least it wasn't a long suffering. Doesn't make it easier for anyone else, but they aren't the ones that matter at that point (no offense whatsoever).....just not fair for someone to suffer because of someone else being selfish with not understanding, not that you sound that way at all :) I appreciate it much and will do :)
    bzinger and smokey12 Thank this.
  8. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    There you go volunteering me for stuff without so much as a reacharound ! Lol.
    Actually I was in Pennsylvania last weekend battling a snowstorm.
  9. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Well I wanted you to count the truck slots in the rest areas along the way..
    I figured the worst you could do is say no ..LOL..did you get snowed in out there ?
    D.Tibbitt, Oxbow and bzinger Thank this.
  10. bzinger

    bzinger Road Train Member

    Dec 10, 2014
    omaha , ne
    Roflmao, it's a long ways from omaha to the Wyoming line and not sure I could count that high .
    Didn't get snowed in but took most of the day on Saturday to get from valley forge up to Bellefonte on i99.
    Ps .... there is a shortage of quality rest areas in South Philly too.
    D.Tibbitt, Oxbow and Last Call Thank this.
  11. Last Call

    Last Call Road Train Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Well we were gona use the new Edition Iowa math ..we just gona count the spots to Kearney then multiply by 2.. since Kearny is about half way.. then we were gonna sit on the tailgate and tell @M C Adventures what he was doing wrong while we drink beer
    Big Road Skateboard, Oxbow and bzinger Thank this.
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