Need a little help, it's a long shot..

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by SeattleTrucking, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. SeattleTrucking

    SeattleTrucking Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2024
    Hey everyone,

    So I have a little dilemma here. I don't think anyone can help me, but hell. I guess it's worth a shot. I'm in the Tacoma- Seattle area...

    Just about to take my second DMV test. I passed my In-cab/out cap inspection and backing exercise first shot. I'm just having a little trouble shifting, I get nervous with inspector there. My test is this Thursday.

    Now this is a stupid ### question, and definitely a long shot and I'm sure everyone is going to tell me to #### off.

    How would I go about finding someone where I could borrow their truck for an hour or so? And just practice shifting.. Say I got $200 to $300 to spend. Is that even an option? I've called numerous schools seeing if I could just buy an hour of their time and everyone saying I have to join their school.. what do you guys think? Am I just a #######? Appreciate all of you in advance
    Rugerfan Thanks this.
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  3. Rugerfan

    Rugerfan Road Train Member

    May 3, 2011
    Do you work for Christensen? If not I’m sure there is a school or company around Seattle or down here in Portland that allows you to use the truck for a day
    SeattleTrucking Thanks this.
  4. SeattleTrucking

    SeattleTrucking Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2024
    No I do not, that's my buddy. Yeah, I would think the same. I've called about four or five schools and there all saying I need to join the school for insurance reasons... I even tried the "come on buddy, can I slip you a couple hundred" lol no shot.
    Rugerfan Thanks this.
  5. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    This was years ago but I just went to the local college and was able to take as many 2 hour lessons with an instructor as I wanted. I think they charged about $300 for the 2 hours.
    Rugerfan and SeattleTrucking Thank this.
  6. SeattleTrucking

    SeattleTrucking Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2024
    That's exactly what I'm lookin for, do you happen to remember the name of the college?
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