Need advice on getting CDL, legally blind in one eye.

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by Samuelrivera34, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Samuelrivera34

    Samuelrivera34 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Hey guys I’m new , So I’m “legally” blind in one eye and went through the medical examiners got my certificate , went to the dmv to get my permit and they made it a big deal about getting the permit and license , I guess the medical place wrote the form wrong and the dmv contacted them and got it fixed , they did allow me to get my permit but with the restrictions of only intrastate driving and no tankers or doubles , I’m scared that I invested 2k into school and the day of my test they won’t give me my cdl license , will it be hard for me to get it or will it not be a problem since they did give me my permit thank you guys.
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  3. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    It's not uncommon for doctors to NOT fill out all the appropriate information.

    Every 2 years I get my med cert and go to the dmv and back and forth 3 times before the dmv accepts it. I've learned to proof read it since.

    Once you've got your permit. You're golden. Just need to finish the last steps for that official hard copy plastic. And make sure it has that golden star TSA wants.

    If you can maintain 20/40 vision. And peripheral. You shouldn't have a problem.
    OldeSkool Thanks this.
  4. Samuelrivera34

    Samuelrivera34 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    Thanks for replying but I have one bad thing the left eye isn’t even at 20/40 with correctable vision, I see blurry but can’t read , my peripheral vision is okay though. This is why I’m so worried
    snowwy Thanks this.
  5. Gdog66223

    Gdog66223 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Coal Town
    You'll do fine... swift drivers have 2 good eyes and they still end up in the ditch..
    Numb, Nostalgic, firemedic2816 and 6 others Thank this.
  6. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Sounds like this won't help you but I"ll post it anyways.

    Progressive lenses might help. I don't have focus either. I'm far sighted. I can't read close up as my focus adjuster don't work. I don't remember the exact wording for the actual part in the eye. Progressives help that problem so I can see far and read close. It's a different magnification throughout the lenses. Whatever they call it. They work really good.

    When I first started wearing. They didn't work. I was told tunnel vision. I could only see directly out the middle. Personally, I think they just screwed up. I went to Americas best. Cheapest place in town and they have a few locations. Been around for decades.

    Another suggestion might be eye surgery such as lasik. Sounds like they have a lot of advancements in technnology that can fix pretty much everything.

    Again. I don't know your condition. These are merely suggestions.

    I have astygmatism in the right eye. Lasik couldn't help me in the beginning but it can now. I just don't see the sense in having lasik for the rest of my life. Eyes go bad with old age. And they keep going badder.

    At some point I may consider if the advancements keep up. I really don't want THICK lenses. But trying to keem them thin is getting harder and more expensive.
  7. x1Heavy

    x1Heavy Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    White County, Arkansas
    Generally for car driving it's not a problem as long you have one eye. The other does not matter.

    In trucking you need two good eyes corrected if necessary to 20/40. Without that you cannot get Tier One Interstate and intrastate commerce DOT Medical.

    You probably are where I was 10 years ago when I lost vision in one eye. Turned out for me a cataract was formed and has to have surgery to have that plus the natural lenses removed from that eye and replaced to restore the sight and improve on it in certain ways. (Fixed focal distance 24 inches which happens to be where my handgun front sight sits, I don't need glasses to shoot or bowl or drive anymore essentially)

    Get that eye looked at and determine if whatever the problem killing your vision can be fixed.
  8. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Didn't you have to pass the DOT physical to get a permit?
    If so, it's just a matter of getting a cdl license and finding a company.
    There are non-cdl driving jobs also, driving box trucks.
    OldeSkool Thanks this.
  9. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    You don't need 2 good eyes to drive a semi.

    I don't know how he did it but one guy i know had what looked to be a glass eye. I never asked him about it. But the eye never moved.

    He was driving a local dump truck though. Probably woulnd't qualify for anything else.
    Sirscrapntruckalot Thanks this.
  10. Samuelrivera34

    Samuelrivera34 Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2019
    #### yeah because as a kid I guess one nerve in my left eye never fully developed and my vision on my left is 20/200 even corrected , and my right eye is perfect at the first dmv office they weren’t able to give me my permit so I had to go to the commercial one, and they gave it to be with restrictions but I should be done with school in about a month or 2 so I’m really just stressing so bad that they won’t allow me to get my cdl but also wondering if I got my permit why wouldn’t they but my heads all over the place since supposedly the requirements is 20/40 on the bad eye I’m at 20/200 , dump truck is still cdl right?
    snowwy Thanks this.
  11. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Funny......these days it don't seem to be just Swift
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